Caldwell 2011.
Methods | RCT, parallel, (n‐3 EPA + DHA vs n‐6 LA), 12 months Summary risk of bias: low |
Participants | Participants with non‐cirrhotic NASH (non‐alcoholic steatohepatitis) N: 20 intervention, 21 control (analysed 17 intervention, 17 control) Level of risk for CVD: moderate Men: 35.3% intervention, 41.2% control Mean age in years (SD): 46.4 (12.1) intervention, 47.2 (12) control Age range: 25‐72 years Smokers: not reported Hypertension: not reported Medications taken by at least 50% of those in the control group: not reported Medications taken by 20%‐49% of those in the control group: not reported Medications taken by some, but less than 20% of the control group: not reported Location: USA Ethnicity: intervention, 100% white, control 94.% white, 5.9% other |
Interventions | Type: supplement (capsule) Comparison: EPA + DHA vs omega 6 Intervention: 3 × 1 g fish oil capsules/d (Nordic Natural) for a total 2.1 g/d n‐3, each capsule contained 70% of n‐3 (1050 mg EPA, 750 mg DHA + 300 mg other n‐3). Dose: 1.8 g/d EPA + DHA Control: 3 × 1 g identical placebo (soybean) capsules per day containing 8% fish oils Both groups had dietary counselling on caloric intake and physical activity Compliance: unclear (measured n‐6‐n‐3 ratio due to its link to hepatic lipid composition) Length of intervention: 12 months |
Outcomes | Main study outcome: NASH activity score Dropouts: 3 intervention, 3 control Available outcomes: lipids (TG too unbalanced at baseline to use), measures of adiposity (weight, BMI, visceral fat – all unbalanced at baseline so not used), fasting glucose, insulin, HOMA‐IR, QUICKI (also NASH progression, hepatic fat, ALT, VO2 max, activity level, markers of cell injury, adiponectin not used) Response to contact: yes, change data supplied for BMI and body weight, confirmed no deaths, cardiovascular events, diabetes, depression, breast cancer or IBD diagnoses |
Notes | Data on; BMI, weight, visceral fat, TG and glucose were not used as they were different between groups at baseline. Study funding: study was supported by NIH NCCAM Grant 5R21AT2901–2 and 5 M01 RR00847. Study medication and identical appearing placebo was provided at no charge by Nordic Natural. RBC phospholipid profile was performed by Metametrix ( M30, M65, adiponectin, and IGFBP‐1 electro chemiluminescence assays were performed by Wellstat Diagnostics ( |
Risk of bias | ||
Bias | Authors' judgement | Support for judgement |
Random sequence generation (selection bias) | Low risk | Participants were randomised to n‐3 or placebo using a stratified block 1:1 randomisation scheme. An independent biostatistician generated the randomisation list which was confidentially forwarded to the Investigational pharmacy |
Allocation concealment (selection bias) | Low risk | As above |
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) All outcomes | Low risk | All staff and subjects were blinded to therapy assignment throughout the study period. Both capsules were identical. However no information provided on capsules taste or smell |
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) All outcomes | Low risk | Blinded for main outcome |
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) All outcomes | Low risk | 15% dropouts explained and equal in both groups |
Selective reporting (reporting bias) | Low risk | The trial was prospectively registered |
Attention | Low risk | Both groups had the same attention |
Compliance | Unclear risk | No details on compliance measurement |
Other bias | Low risk | None noted |