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. 2018 Nov 30;2018(11):CD003177. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003177.pub4

Proudman 2015.

Methods RCT, parallel, (EPA + DHA fish oil vs omega 6 sunola oil), 12 months
Summary risk of bias: low
Participants Patients with rheumatoid arthritis < 12 months' duration, DMARD‐naive
N: 87 intervention, 53 control. (analysed, intervention: 75 control: 47)
Level of risk for CVD: low
Men: 29% intervention, 25% control
Mean age in years (SD): 56.1 (15.9) intervention, 55.5 (14.1) control
Age range: unclear
Smokers: 65.1% intervention, 54.7% control (includes current and previous smokers)
Hypertension: not reported
Medications taken by at least 50% of those in the control group: triple DMARD therapy (SSZ 0.5 g/d, HCQ 200 mg twice/day and MTX 10 mg once per week)
Medications taken by 20%‐49% of those in the control group: NSAIDS
Medications taken by some, but less than 20% of the control group: oral or parenteral steroids
Location: Australia
Ethnicity: not reported
Interventions Type: supplement (fish oil)
Comparison: high EPA + DHA vs omega 6 (low EPA + DHA with sunola oil)
Intervention: 10 mL/d fish oil concentrate (BLT Incromega TG3525) providing 5.5 g/day (3.2 EPA + 2.3 DHA). Dose: 5.5 g/d EPA + DHA
Control: 10 mL/d sunola oil:capelin oil (2:1) providing 0.21 g EPA + 0.19 g DHA/d as TAG (0.40 g/day EPA + DHA).
Compliance: consumption checked at each visit. 100% compliance would be consumption of 3650 mL oil at 12 months. The fish oil group was less compliant than the control group with median intakes of 2482 mL and 3248 mL, respectively (P = 0.015, Mann‐Whitney U test). This provided an average daily intake of EPA + DHA of 3.7 g and 0.36 g in the fish oil and control groups, respectively.
Duration of intervention: 12 months
Outcomes Main study outcome: disease‐modifying anti‐rheumatic drugs (DMARD) failure and remission
Dropouts: 11 intervention, 6 control
Available outcomes: mortality (nil death), adverse events including CVD, DAS score, diabetes, authors supplied methodology data plus BMI change
Response to contact: yes
Notes DAS scores are reported as median and IQR in Proudman 2012 abstract
Study funding: National Health Medical Research Council of Australia and Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Committee. Melrose Health provided support for ongoing studies. The oil was made by the Royal Adelaide Hospital Pharmacy
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Quote: "The randomisation schedule was prepared using an online random number generator and involved randomly permuted blocks of size six."
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk Quote: "Randomisation was performed by the RAH pharmacy, which also prepared and provided the study oils in 500 mL identical dark brown bottles labelled with consecutive study numbers"
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Quote: "Both participants and investigators/assessors were blinded to the group allocation. Although the control oil was paler in colour than the fish oil, this was not evident in the brown bottles. The 'fishy' odour of each oil was similar."
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Both participants and investigators/assessors were blinded to the group allocation. Quote: "Investigators and subjects remained blinded for all withdrawals."
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk The flow of all study participants shown in FIGURE 2
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk Outcomes reported in trial register matched with the outcomes reported in publications. However, the study was retrospectively registered – registered in 2013, recruitment began in 2001
Attention Low risk No difference between groups
Compliance High risk Consumption checked at each visit. 100% compliance would be consumption of 3650 mL oil at 12 months. The fish oil group was less compliant than the control group with median intakes of 2482 mL (68%) and 3248 mL (89%), respectively (P = 0.015, Mann‐Whitney U test). This provided an average daily intake of EPA + DHA of 3.7 g and 0.36 g in the fish oil and control groups, respectively
Other bias Low risk None noted
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure