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. 2019 May 14;9:7368. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-43075-z

Table 4.

A list of top-10 compounds predicted by CMAP to reverse the progression along the aging direction.

Compounda PubChemID p valuea
anisomycin 253602 <0.0001
camptothecin b 24360 <0.0001
GW-8510 6539118 <0.0001
H-7 3542 <0.0001
lanatoside C 3879 <0.0001
alsterpaullone 5005498 0.0001
doxorubicin 31703 0.0002
azacitidine 9444 0.0003
tonzonium bromide 11102 0.0004
metamizole sodium 522325 0.0004

aCompound names and p values are taken from the CMAP database. bThe compounds initially chosen for lifespan testing are highlighted in bold. Camptothecin did not pass the initial test for a sparing effect on aggregation, thus it was not tested for lifespan effects.