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. 2019 May 8;13:459. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00459



Schematic of developmental photoperiod paradigm. Animals were maintained on Equinox (Eq) (A), Long (L) (B), or Short (S) (C) photoperiods from E0 to P30 or P50. One cohort of animals developed from E0 under Long photoperiods and were switched to Short photoperiods (L-S) at birth (P0) (D). Another cohort of animals were developed from E0 under Short photoperiods and were switched to a Long photoperiod at birth (S-L) (E). Experiments were performed at two different time points: P30 (i) or P50 (ii). Photoperiods were defined as follows: Equinox, LD 12:12; Long, LD 16:8; Short, LD 8:16 where L, light; D, dark (i.e., LD 8:16 means Light for 8 h, Dark for 16 h).