Mapping the Mac-1 I-domain binding site with GP1bαN by NMR. (A) Selected peaks showing CSP effects between bound and unbound (the first panel for G228 is shown as a control, in which no perturbation is observed). (B) Representation of CSP effects, with dashed lines showing statistically significant perturbation (lower line, mean CSP +1 SD; upper line, mean CSP +2 SD) residues above the latter. (C) CSP effects mapped to the Mac-1 surface with residues in darker pink corresponding to mean +2 SD, top-down view onto the MIDAS (Mg2+ shown in yellow). (D) Side view showing distal CSP effects removed from the MIDAS site (top). (E) Surface representation showing the binding patch around the MIDAS with key residues in red. (F) Differentiation between the MIDAS binding patch, shown in red, and those distal residues (in green) affected through allosteric changes from binding GP1bαN at the MIDAS site (a few key residues are highlighted).