Figure 4 |. Epigenetic effect of ectopic FOXA2 binding.
a) Scatter plot displaying FOXA2 enrichment in induced BJFOXA2 compared to post-FOXA2 induction ATAC-seq signal at the union set of FOXA2 binding sites that fall within pre-existing closed chromatin genomic regions (BJ ATAC RPKM <1). Vertical lines separate the union set of FOXA2 peaks into background, sampled and called FOXA2 peaks. Horizontal line indicates boundary to regions that have new BJFOXA2 ATAC enrichment of at least RPKM >3 and are considered newly accessible.
b) Representative IGV browser tracks of regions that become accessible upon FOXA2 binding (top; chr20:36,008,193–36,009,335) versus regions that remain inaccessible as measured by ATAC-seq enrichment post FOXA2 induction (bottom; chr19:1,867,722–1,868,322)
c) Read density heat maps of post- FOXA2 ATAC-seq signal across all regions that become accessible (top) compared to the ones that remain closed upon FOXA2 binding (bottom).
d) Composite plots displaying H3K27ac and H3K4me1 and H3K4me2 enrichment over regions that become accessible and those that remain closed comparing pre- and post- FOXA2 occupancy.