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Table 5. Comparison of hematological parameters in captive and wild YFPs.

Parameters Mean±SEM (N=a4, b6) Upper Value Lower Value Upper 95% CI Lower 95% CI P value
RBCs (x 1012/L) a5.36±0.19 5.76 4.83 5.98 4.74 0.4571
b5.34±0.11 5.72 5.02 5.63 5.04
Hb (g/L) a168.5±4.64 175.7 155.0 183.3 153.7 0.2965
b164.3±4.12 181.0 153.0 174.9 153.7
HCT (%) a49.87±1.44 52.66 46.00 54.47 45.28 0.4574
b49.98±0.97 53.90 47.30 52.48 47.48
MCH (pg) a31.43±0.58 32.66 30.03 33.29 29.56 0.3810
b30.82±0.71 33.10 28.40 32.66 28.97
MCHC (g/L) a336.1±1.78 340.5 332.3 341.8 330.4 0.1679
b328.8±4.30 337.0 313.0 339.9 317.8
MCV (fL) a93.60±1.93 98.30 90.00 99.76 87.44 0.5000
b93.70±1.92 99.00 87.30 98.64 88.76
PLT (x 109/L) a137.5±11.34 158.7 105.7 173.6 101.4 0.0823
b153.2±6.61 176.0 128.0 170.2 136.2
WBCs (x 109/L) a5.64±0.04 5.75 5.53 5.79 5.49 *0.0208
b6.16±0.17 6.80 5.70 6.60 5.72
Neutrophil (%) a70.12±3.35 75.96 61.32 80.79 59.44 **0.0070
b53.83±1.62 57.00 47.00 58.01 49.65
Lymphocyte (%) a18.03±2.58 24.47 12.55 26.26 9.78 **0.0095
b27.17±1.75 33.00 20.00 31.68 22.66
Monocyte (%) a3.42±0.30 4.26 2.83 4.38 2.46 *0.0122
b2.00±0.42 3.00 0.00 3.10 0.89
Basophil (%) a0.085±0.030 0.170 0.030 0.183 -0.013 **0.0056
b0.003±0.002 0.010 0.00 0.008 -0.002
Eosinophil (%) a8.42±2.61 13.00 1.09 16.73 0.11 *0.0139
b17.42±2.55 28.50 13.00 23.99 10.84

N = number of animals, (a) = captive animals, (b) = Wild animals. Signi cant difference with *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.