Figure 2.
Therapeutic NGF vaccination reduces murine OA pain. (A) Therapeutic vaccination protocol. (B) Anti-NGF titres in sentinel cohort (n=10). (C) Painful behaviour measured by incapacitance testing where 100% represents equal weight distributed across R and L Limbs (n=40). Mice were randomised to receive mock or NGF vaccine at 10 weeks postsurgery. Repeated-measures two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni multiple comparisons test applied. SEM shown. Differences between treatment groups during late OA pain phase were not significant after correcting for multiple testing (D) Forest plot of meta-analysis comparing the effect size of analgesic response between mock and vaccinated cohorts at points of highest titre in the sentinel groups (week 13 for the prophylactic study, week 17 for the therapeutic study, marked by †). (E) Neurite outgrowth inhibition with increasing concentrations of IgG isolated from serum of vaccinated animals and (F) their normalised difference compared with mock-vaccinated animals. Bars represent mean±SEM, *p<0.05, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001 by t-test. ANOVA, analysis of variance; NGF, nerve growth factor.