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. 2019 Apr 15;16(8):1345. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16081345

Table 3.

Descriptive statistics on adherence to individual and multiple lifestyle behaviours among cancer survivors (with and without skin cancer), compared with controls.

Lifestyle Behaviours Controls
(n = 4415)
Cancer Survivors Including Skin Cancer Pa Cancer Survivors Excluding Skin Cancer Pb All Cancer Cases (Long-Term and Recent Survivors)
Long-Term Freq., (%) Recent Freq., (%) Long-Term Freq., (%) Recent Freq., (%) Incl. Skin Cancer Survivors Freq., (%) Pc Excl. Skin Cancer Survivors Freq., (%) Pd
Body Mass Index (BMI)
<18.5 Kg/m2
8.5–24.9 Kg/m2
25 kg/m2–29.9 Kg/m2
≥30 kg/m2
Met the recommendation
Not met the recommendation
44 (1.2)
1254 (34.1)
1267 (34.5)
1111 (30.2)
19 (1.4)
485 (35.0)
461 (33.9)
434 (29.7)
17 (2.1)
317 (38.7
)281 (30.7)
286 (28.4)
0.312 4 (1.3)
86 (28.1)
97 (31.7)
119 (38.9)
6 (2.4)
89 (35.0)
71 (28.0)
88 (34.7)
0.066 36 (1.6)
802 (34.9)
742 (32.2)
720 (31.3)
0.530 10 (1.7)
175 (31.3)
168 (30.0)
207 (39.9)
1254 (34.1)
2422 (65.9)
485 (34.9)
914 (65.1)
317 (38.7)
584 (61.3)
0.156 86 (28.1)
220 (71.9)
89 (35.0)
165 (65.0)
0.027 * 802 (34.8)
1498 (65.2)
0.796 175 (31.2)
385 (68.8)
Physical activity
≤40 MET/week
40–600 MET /week
600–1200 MET/week
≥1200 MET/week
Sufficient (≥600 MET/week)
Insufficient (<600 MET/week)
752 (19.3)
888 (22.8)
754 (19.4)
1502 (38.5)
284 (18.6)
323 (22.1)
314 (21.2)
544 (38.1)
191 (17.7)
190 (21.1)
198 (19.7)
363 (41.5)
0.633 78 (24.1)
78 (24.1)
71 (21.9)
97 (29.9)
62 (23.5)
62 (23.5)
53 (20.2)
86 (32.7)
0.856 475 (19.7)
513 (21.3)
512 (21.3)
907 (37.7)
0.848 140 (23.8)
140 (23.8)
124 (21.1)
183 (31.2)
2256 (57.9)
1640 (42.1)
858 (59.3)
607 (40.7)
561 (61.2)
381 (38.8)
0.463 168 (51.8)
156 (48.2)
139 (52.8)
124 (47.2)
0.820 1,419 (58.9)
988 (41.1)
0.685 307 (52.3)
280 (47.7)
Not smoke at all (met the recommendation) 3630 (94.6) 1381 (94.8) 888 (95.4) 0.959 302 (94.1) 243 (93.5) 0.467 2,269 (95.1) 0.246 545 (93.8) 0.311
Smoke; daily, weekly or monthly (not met the recommendation) 207 (5.4) 75 (5.2) 43 (4.6) 19 (5.9) 17 (6.5) 118 (4.9) 36 (6.2)
Fruit consumption
<2 pieces per day≥2 pieces per day 1356 (35.0)
2517 (65.0)
505 (34.6)
953 (65.4)
346 (37.0)
589 (63.0)
0.181 113 (35.0)
210 (65.0)
101 (38.5)
161 (61.5)
0.250 851 (35.6)
1542 (64.4)
0.261 214 (36.5)
371 (63.4)
Vegetable consumption
<5 serving per day≥5 serving per day 3312 (85.6)
558 (14.4)
1236 (84.7)
223 (15.3)
800 (85.6)
135 (14.4)
0.621 284 (87.9)
39 (12.1)
223 (85.1)
39 (14.9)
0.897 2036 (85.1)
358 (14.9)
0.839 507 (86.6)
78 (13.3)
Fruit and vegetable
<5 serving F&V per/day
  Not met both recommendations
  Met at least one recommendation
≥5 serving F&V per day
3460 (89.4)
  1207 (34.9)
  2253 (65.1)
409 (10.6)
1292 (88.6)
  449 (30.8)
  843 (57.8)
166 (11.4)
830 (88.7)
  316 (33.8)
  514 (55.0)
105 (11.3)
0.569 296 (91.6)
  101 (34.1)
  195 (65.9)
27 (8.4)
229 (87.4)
  95 (41.5)
  134 (58.5)
33 (12.6)
0.582 2,122 (88.7)
  765 (36.1)
  1357 (63.9)
271 (11.3)
0.935 525 (89.7)
  196 (37.3)
  329 (62.7)
60 (10.3)
Never drink (current and ever)
1–2 SD per day
>2 SD per day
Met the recommendation
Not met the recommendation
629 (16.7)
2710 (71.8)
434 (11.5)
249 (17.5)
1012 (71.0)
164 (11.5)
169 (18.5)
649 (71.1)
95 (10.4)
0.237 64 (20.5)
215 (68.7)
34 (10.9)
42 (16.5)
190 (74.5)
23 (9.1)
0.733 418 (17.9)
1661 (71.0)
259 (11.1)
0.699 106 (18.6)
405 (71.3)
57 (10.0)
3339 (88.5)
434 (11.5)
1261 (88.5)
164 (11.5)
818 (89.6)
95 (10.4)
0.402 279 (89.1)
34 (10.9)
232 (90.9)
23 (9.1)
0.480 2079 (88.9)
259 (11.1)
0.427 511 (89.9)
57 (10.0)
Sugar drinks
Never drink
Drink at least once in a month
2947 (76.7)
896 (23.3)
1124 (77.3)
331 (22.7)
688 (74.3)
238 (25.7)
0.083 233 (72.2)
90 (27.8)
181 (69.1)
81 (30.9)
0.380 1812 (76.1)
569 (23.9)
0.197 414 (70.7)
171 (29.3)
0.001 *
Multiple behaviours
≤1 behaviour
2–3 behaviours
4 behaviours
5–6 behaviours
134 (3.3)
1713 (44.0)
1254 (32.3)
795 (20.4)
41 (2.8)
619 (42.3)
484 (33.0)
321 (21.9)
28 (2.9)
405 (42.9)
305 (32.4)
204 (21.6)
0.640 10 (3.1)
165 (50.9)
103 (31.8)
46 (14.2)
8 (3.0)
131 (49.8)
76 (28.9)
48 (18.2)
0.395 69 (2.8)
1024 (42.5)
789 (32.8)
525 (21.8)
0.571 18 (3.1)
296 (50.4)
179 (30.5)
94 (16.0)
0.031 *

Pa:p-value for comparing between long-term and recent cancer survivors including skin cancer; Pb:p-value for comparing between long-term and recent cancer survivors excluding skin cancer; Pc:p-value for comparing all cancer cases (including skin cancer) against the control group (cancer-free population); Pd:p-value for comparing all cancer cases (excluding skin cancer survivors) against the control group.