C1QBP expression pattern and patient survival analysis in lung cancer: comparison between C1QBP expression in normal tissue and cancer tissue. (a) The fold-change of C1QBP in lung cancer was identified by our analyses, shown as a box plot. The box plot comparing specific C1QBP expression in normal (n = 49, left plot) and cancer tissue (n = 58, right plot) was derived from the Oncomine database. The analysis compared expression in LUAD, relative to expression in normal lung. The asterisk above and below the box represent maximum and minimum value, respectively. (b) The fold-change of C1QBP in lung cancers was identified by our analyses, shown as a box plot. The box plot comparing specific C1QBP expression in normal (n = 5, left plot) and cancer tissue (n = 5, right plot) was derived from the Oncomine database. The analysis shown is of the expression in LUSC relative to that in normal lung. (c) Expression of C1QBP gene in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database. Box plots showing the C1QBP mRNA expression in LUSC tumor (T, red plot) and the corresponding normal (N, gray plot) tissues, using data from the TCGA database through TCGA Wanderer and GEPIA. *: p < 0.01. (d) Alterations (mRNA upregulation) of the C1QBP gene in LUAD (TCGA PanCanAtlas; n = 510) and LUSC (TCGA Provisional; n = 511). Data was obtained using cBioPortal. (e) C1QBP mRNA expression was significantly associated with the copy number alteration status (ANOVA, p <0.0001) in lung cancer. (****: p < 0.0001; ns: nonsignificant) (f) The survival curve comparing patients with high (red) and low (blue) expression in lung cancer was plotted from the PrognoScan database. Survival curve analysis was conducted using a threshold Cox p-value <0.05. Abbreviations. LUAD: lung adenocarcinoma; LUSC: lung squamous cell carcinoma.