A–HPropidium iodide (PI) staining of roots (red) allowed visualization of cell death (white arrowhead) by increase in PI fluorescence. (A–C, E–G) Real‐time monitoring of 4D (xyzt) maximum projection images of jasmonate response marker lines JAZ10::NLS‐3xVenus (A–C) and AOS::NLS‐3xVenus (E–G) in the Arabidopsis root after laser ablation of cortex cells (C, G) on 1 μM methyl jasmonate (MeJA) treatment (B, F). Time‐lapse images of representative movies are shown. (A, C) JAZ10::NLS‐3xVenus showed no response, either in control roots or after ablation (n = 20 roots each). (E, G) AOS::NLS‐3xVenus showed weak signals in 5 roots (n = 20) after ablation (G), similar to numbers in non‐ablated controls, where 5 roots (n = 17) showed signals. (B, F) Both jasmonate markers showed responses in roots upon 1 μM MeJA treatment (n = 20). (D, H) Graphical representation of quantification of movies shown in (A–C, E–G), respectively.