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. 2019 May 15;10(Suppl 2):S224–S238. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmy119


Characteristics of the case-control studies included in the systematic review and meta-analysis of the relation between dairy product intake and bladder cancer in the adult population1

Reference Country Study/period of data collection (y) Age distribution (y) Sample size Dietary assessment Dairy products Dairy amount comparison Number of bladder cancer events Variables of adjustment Risk of bias2
Mettlin and Graham (15) United States 1957–1965 NA 1594 Interview Milk Servings per day (5 categories) 569 Age Low
Risch et al. (16) Canada 1979–1982 35–79 1618 Questionnaire Milk Servings per day (2 categories) 826 Age, sex, area of residence, lifetime smoking consumption, and history of diabetes High
Slattery et al. (17) United States 1977–1982 21–84 1308 Interview Milk Servings per week (4 categories) 419 Age, sex, smoking status, diabetes, and bladder infection High
Mettlin et al. (18) United States 1982–1990 18–97 1478 Questionnaire High-fat milk 2% fat milk Low-fat milk Servings per day (3 categories) 178 Age, sex, smoking history, education, and county of residence Low
Riboli et al. (19) Spain 1985–1986 <80 1224 Dietary questionnaire Dairy Butter/cream Quartiles of intake 432 Age, sex, smoking, area of residence, total calories Moderate
Wilkens et al. (20) United States 1977–1986 30–93 783 FFQ/32 items Milk Tertiles of intake 261 Age, smoking status, pack-years, employment in a high-risk occupation, consumption of dark green vegetables in men, and total vitamin C consumption in women High
Lu et al. (21) Taiwan 1996–1997 67.5 200 FFQ Milk Nonintake vs. intake 40 Age, sex, date of admission, family history, ethnicity, and smoking status Moderate
Wakai et al. (22) Japan 1996–1999 20–99 592 FFQ/97 items Dairy Quartiles of intake 297 Age, sex, smoking, and occupational history as a cook Low
Balbi et al. (23) Uruguay 1998–1999 40–89 720 FFQ/64 items Dairy Cheese Butter High-fat milk Tertiles of intake 144 Age, BMI, calories Moderate
Ohashi et al. (24) Japan 1997–1998 49–80 625 Questionnaire Fermented dairy Yakult Servings per day (3 categories) 180 Age, sex, and smoking Low
Radosavljević et al. (25) Serbia 1997–1999 26–81 260 FFQ High-fat milk Low-fat milk Yogurt Nonintake vs. intake 130 Age, sex, smoking, place of residence Low
Wakai et al. (26) Japan 1994–2000 20–79 744 FFQ Milk Quartiles of intake 124 Age, sex, cumulative consumption of cigarettes, year of first visit Low
Jiang et al. (27) United States 1987–1999 25–64 3172 Interview Milk Quartiles of intake 1586 Age, sex, race, level of education, use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, carotenoid intake, number of years as hairdresser/barber, cigarette smoking status, duration of smoking, and intensity of smoking Low
La Vecchia et al. (28) Italy 1985–1987 45–74 344 FFQ Milk Cheese Butter Tertiles of intake 163 Age and sex Moderate
Hemelt et al. (29) China 2005–2008 65 824 Interview Milk Nonintake vs: - Intake - < Daily or daily - 1 cup or >1 cup 432 Age, sex, smoking status, smoking frequency, and smoking duration–adjusted ORs Low
Brinkman et al. (30) Belgium 1999–2004 50–80 575 Validated FFQ/322 items Milk Cheese Tertiles of intake 198 Sex, age, smoking status, number of cigarettes smoked per day, number of years smoking, occupational exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or aromatic amines, and energy intake Low
Isa et al. (31) China 2005–2008 40–80 956 FFQ/35 items Dairy Servings per week (5 categories) 487 Sex, age, smoking status, smoking duration, smoking amount, and other food groups Low
Ronco et al. (32) Uruguay 1996–2004 30–89 1735 FFQ/64 items Milk Butter Cheese Tertiles of intake 225 Age, residence, education, BMI, smoking, alcohol drinking, meat consumption, total energy, and total vegetable and fruit intakes Low

1NA, not available; PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon.

2Risk of bias assessed using the Quality in Prognosis Studies (QUIPS) tool.

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