A model of the WβA pathway in the epithelial seam stem cells. Negative regulators of the TCF-export pathway (PRY-1/Axin, APR-1/APC) are localized to the anterior cortex by positive regulators of Wnt signaling on the posterior cortex (Frizzled, Disheveled). APR-1/APC stabilizes microtubules (MT) in the anterior daughter to increase WRM-1/β-catenin nuclear export and cortical localization. Higher nuclear levels of WRM-1/β-catenin in the posterior daughter cell facilitate POP-1/TCF nuclear export. How SYS-1/β-catenin asymmetry is generated is presently unclear, although previous data indicate that APR-1/APC might be involved (?). β, SYS-1/β-catenin (red); W, WRM-1/β-catenin (green); T, POP-1/TCF (blue); Fz, Frizzled (white); D, Disheveled (white); Ax, PRY-1/Axin (gray); Ap, APR-1/APC (gray).