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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 May 15.
Published in final edited form as: Biometrics. 2018 Mar 22;74(3):1034–1044. doi: 10.1111/biom.12860

Table 2.

Summary of the NHANES data by exposure group. The table shows the total number of subjects with complete observations (n); the number of agents (m); the dimension of the multivariate exposure including the main effect of each agent and each two-way interaction (r); the total number of potential confounders including the main effect of agents in other groups (k); the total number of independent variables including the multivariate exposure, potential confounders, and an intercept (p = r + k + 1); and the p/n ratio.

Exposure group Sample
# Potential
# Indep.
p to n

Volatile compounds   179 10   55 82 138 0.77
pcbs   558 22 253 59 313 0.56
Phenols   179   3  6 92   99 0.55
Dioxins   201   5 15 83   99 0.49
Furans—dibenzofuran   201   5 15 83   99 0.49
pest.—pyrethyroid   201   1   1 87   89 0.44
Diakyl   225   6  21 76   98 0.44
pest.—phenols   225   4   9 78   88 0.39
pest.—chloroacetanilide   225   1   1 81   83 0.37
pest.—organophosphate   225   1  1 81   83 0.37
Heavy metals   444  13 91 48 140 0.32
Phthalates   387   11 66 51 118 0.30
pest.—organochlorine   288    7 28 53   82 0.28
Nutrients—minerals   158    2  3 37   41 0.26
Polyflourochemicals   444   10 55 51  107 0.24
Hydrocarbons   292    9 45 22    68 0.23
Phytoestrogens   432    6 21 49   71 0.16
Nutrients—vitamin C   444   1    1 60   62 0.14
Nutrients—carotenoid 1370   5   15 33   49 0.04
Nutrients—vitamin A 1370   3    6 35   42 0.03
Nutrients—vitamin B 1370   3    6 35   42 0.03
Nutrients—vitamin E 1370   2    3 36   40 0.03
Cotinine 1370   1    1 37   39 0.03
Nutrients—vitamin D 1370   1    1 37   39 0.03