Fig. 5.
TNC expression level affects global gene expression in pediatric glioma cell lines. TNC expression was modified in pediatric supratentorial high-grade glioma (HGG n = 1) and brainstem glioma (DIPG n = 3) cell lines via lentiviral transfection of TNC shRNA and cDNA, with resulting gene expressions determined via RNA-Seq. a Dot plot representing relative TNC expression across cDNA and shRNA lines studied. As expected, cDNA lines expressed greater TNC compared to shRNA and respective controls. bMA plot demonstrating distribution of 173 statistically significantly differentially expressed genes between TNC cDNA and shRNA cell lines (Log2Fold Change > 2 or < − 2, adjusted p-value < 0.05). c Heat map depicting expression of 38 differentially expressed genes, including TNC and miRNA30, with consistent expression pattern across all lines by experimental condition. Cell lines are ordered on x axis by TNC expression level, as in b