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. 2018 Dec 5;114(2):353–365. doi: 10.1111/add.14476

Table 3.

ESIP MiQuit trial outputs for women and offspring: base case and probabilistic sensitivity analyses, end‐of‐pregnancy horizon.

Outcome Base case (deterministic: no allowance for uncertainty) Estimates from the probabilistic sensitivity analysis (incorporates uncertainty for model inputs)
Comparator Experimental Incremental
Comparator Experimental Incremental Median Interquartile range Median Interquartile range Median Interquartile range
Maternal outcomes
Number of pregnancies with a morbidity 122 121 −1 122 118 126 121 118 125 −1 −1 0
Expected QALYs per mother 0.6842 0.6852 0.0010 0.6841 0.6779 0.6902 0.6852 0.6790 0.6912 0.0010 0.0006 0.0014
Expected costs per mother (£) 3108.55 3113.45 4.91 3046.26 2618.44 3514.32 3050.83 2622.09 3519.06 4.55 3.72 5.72
ICER per morbidity avoided (£) 6093.90 6385.64 4776.11 9152.32
ICER per additional QALY (£) 4930.28 5251.48 3899.71 7414.55
ICER per additional quitter (£) 141.79 149.78 112.89 206.82
Offspring outcomes
Number of fetal losses (including stillbirths) 106 105 −1 106 103 110 105 102 109 −1 −1 −1
Number of premature births 73 73 0 73 72 74 73 71 74 0 −1 0
Number of LBW infants 113 111 −2 113 111 115 111 109 113 −2 −3 −1
Total number of infants with adverse birth outcomes 213 211 −2 213 210 217 211 208 215 −2 −3 −1
Expected cost per infant (£) 3261.81 3263.58 1.77 2738.18 1821.11 4154.83 2740.49 1820.83 4156.79 1.94 −0.57 3.66
ICER per adverse birth outcome avoided (£) 892.80 1144.95 −258.57 2973.27
Combined per pregnancy outcomes (mother and offspring)
Expected cost per pregnancy (mother and infant) 6370.35 6374.00 3.64 5880.56 4832.65 7419.67 5881.73 4834.59 7424.81 3.16 1.24 5.61
ICER per additional QALY (£) 3658.58 4217.09 1235.06 8220.71
ICER per additional quitter (£) 105.22 121.41 34.63 233.44
Cost‐offset analysis
Cost savings ratio for maternal health‐care only (£) −0.61 −0.50 −0.88 −0.22
Cost savings ratio for offspring health‐care only (£) 0.42 0.36 −0.19 1.19
Cost savings ratio for combined health‐care only (£) −1.20 −1.01 −1.83 −0.42

ESIP = Economics of Smoking in Pregnancy; QALY = quality‐adjusted life year; ICER = incremental cost‐effectiveness ratio.