The corticocollicular pathway in the ferret. Example of a retrograde fluorescent tracer injection (IS) in the IC (a) to label cells in layer V of the auditory cortex. (b) Panoramic view and (c) photomicrograph of retrogradely labelled cells in layer V. (d) Injection of an anterograde tracer in the MEG, where the primary auditory cortex is located, produced labelled terminal fields in different regions of the ipsilateral inferior colliculus: lateral cortex (e), and dorsal cortex and central nucleus (f), as well as to a much lesser extent in corresponding regions of the contralateral IC (g). Removal of layer V cortical cells projecting to the IC by chromophore‐targeted laser photolysis does not affect the accuracy of sound localization by adult ferrets (h), but does reduce their capacity to adapt with daily training to the altered spatial cues produced by plugging one ear (i). Modified with permission from Bajo et al. (2007), Bajo, Nodal, Moore, et al. (2010).