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. 2019 Feb 5;48(2):82–89. doi: 10.1111/jmp.12399

Table 1.

Frequency of T cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) producing antigen‐specific cytokines during Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in non‐human primates (n = 28)

PBMC Weeks post‐Mtb infection CD4 CD4CD8 CD8 P value (CD4 vs CD4CD8) P value (CD8 vs CD4CD8)
Median [IQR 25%, 75%] Median [25%, 75%] Median [25%, 75%]
T cell % 0 52.9 [40.0‐58.4] 2.2 [0.77‐4.4] 35.6 [30.1‐41.6] <0.0001 <0.0001
4 wk 46.7 [36.6‐54.9] 4.4 [3.1‐7.5] 40.0 [31.9‐47.0] <0.0001 <0.0001
12 wk 45.4 [36.5‐54.3] 3.8 [0.80‐5.9] 43.3 [34.3‐51.5] <0.0001 <0.0001
Dx 52.5 [40.0‐58.8] 3.9 [1.2‐8.1] 38.3 [31.1‐45.8] <0.0001 <0.0001
CD107a % 0 0.05 [0‐0.2] 0.081 [0‐0.50] 0.1 [0.02‐0.42]
4 wk 0.015 [0‐0.56] 0.1 [0‐0.43] 0.25 [0.07‐0.42] 0.0570
12 wk 0.028 [0‐0.10] 0.10 [0‐0.20] 0.11 [0.01‐0.44]
Dx 0 [0‐0.12] 0.19 [0‐1.3] 0 [0‐0.2] 0.0722
Granulysin % 0 0.08 [0‐0.45] 0.4 [0‐1.5] 0.4 [0.04‐1.6]
4 wk 0.2 [0‐0.56] 0.7 [0‐1.9] 0.9 [0.3‐1.3]
12 wk 0.1 [0‐0.42] 0.3 [0‐0.56] 0.4 [0‐1.0]
Dx 0.067 [0‐1.1] 0 [0‐1.4] 0.065 [0‐3.2]
Granzyme B % 0 0.14 [0‐1.4] 0.49 [0‐4.6] 0.24 [0‐3.5]
4 wk 0.8 [0.1‐2.9] 5.2 [0.9‐13.9] 2.1 [0.2‐15.2] 0.0207
12 wk 3.0 [0.03‐5.2] 3.4 [0‐12.7] 1.4 [0‐18.1]
Dx 0 [0‐4.0] 0 [0‐4.5] 0.3 [0‐4.01]
Perforin % 0 0 [0‐0.05] 0.19 [0‐0.97] 0.3 [0.01‐1.4] 0.0288
4 wk 0.06 [0.02‐0.45] 1.04 [0.5‐2.1] 0.69 [0.3‐2.4] 0.0434
12 wk 0.02 [0‐0.09] 0.1 [0‐0.42] 0.23 [0.1‐0.51]
Dx 0 [0‐0.2] 0 [0‐0.47] 0.023 [0‐0.83]
IL10% 0 0.01 [0‐0.2] 0.40 [0‐1.3] 0.01 [0‐0.1]
4 wk 0.7 [0‐3.5] 0 [0‐0.9] 0 [0‐0.5]
12 wk 0.012 [0‐3.5] 0 [0‐0.8] 0.11 [0‐0.3]
Dx 0.52 [0‐1.3] 0.29 [0.01‐1.6] 0.53 [0‐4.4]
IFN‐γ % 0 0.03 [0‐0.13] 0 [0‐0.72] 0.03 [0‐0.14]
4 wk 0.15 [0.02‐0.34] 0.25 [0‐0.75] 0.05 [0‐0.16] 0.0401
12 wk 0.10 [0.03‐0.30] 0.07 [0‐0.40] 0.06 [0.01‐0.14]
Dx 0.02 [0‐1.3] 0.07 [0‐5.0] 0 [0‐1.4]
IL2% 0 0.093 [0‐0.15] 0.27 [0‐0.53] 0.11 [0.02‐0.20]
4 wk 0.13 [0.04‐0.32] 0.002 [0‐1.5] 0.11 [0.02‐0.36]
12 wk 0.09 [0.04‐0.34] 0.42 [0‐0.76] 0.083 [0‐0.27]
Dx 1.2 [0.2‐2.9] 0 [0‐0.01] 0.1 [0‐3.7] <0.0001 0.0011
TNF % 0 0.045 [0‐0.12] 0.015 [0‐0.18] 0.037 [0‐0.08]
4 wk 0.36 [0.06‐0.47] 0.49 [0.11‐1.04] 0.12 [0‐0.33] 0.0196
12 wk 0.20 [0.01‐0.40] 0.33 [0‐1.1] 0.16 [0.02‐0.3]
Dx 0.47 [0.02‐1.2] 0.41 [0‐1.7] 0 [0‐0.84] 0.0998
IL17% 0 0 [0‐0.08] 0 [0‐0] 0 [0‐0.17]
4 wk 0.10 [0‐0.76] 0.13 [0‐1.6] 0.015 [0‐0.24]
12 wk 0.014 [0‐0.22] 0.03 [0‐0.58] 0.0043 [0‐0.2]
Dx 0.76 [0.15‐2.8] 1 [0‐3.5] 0.018 [0‐1.9]

CD4, CD4CD8, and CD8 T cells within the T cell gate (CD3+) are shown in the top row. Percentages of cells expressing each cytolytic marker or cytokine are represented for CD4, CD4CD8, or CD8 T cells. ESAT6/CFP10 stimulated cells were subtracted from media incubated cells. Analysis performed across each cell type within each time point using the (unadjusted P‐values shown in last column).

Dx, time that clinical outcome is declared (active disease or latent infection); Wk, weeks post‐infection.

Significance is P ≤ 0.05.