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. 2018 Sep 20;34(1):346–369. doi: 10.1002/hpm.2643

Table 5.

Willingness to pay of the SSS sample (binary probit regression and linear regression)

Independent Variables Willing to Pay for Health Insurance (1 = Yes, 0 = No) Binary Probit Regression, N = 309 Exact Amount of Payment Stated in MMK (1000 MMK = 0.81 USD) Linear Regression, N = 309
Coef. SE Margin SE Coef. SE
Age −0.001 0.014 −0.000 0.001 7.196 7.658
Gender −0.238 0.305 −0.022 0.028 −299.554 158.053
What is your primary occupation activity at present? 0.735* 0.350 0.068* 0.031 123.129 185.972
What is your highest educational level? 0.210 0.294 0.019 0.027 186.887 165.816
What is your civil status at present? 0.344 0.331 0.032 0.030 446.560** 172.700
How would you rate your overall health status at present? −0.124 0.209 −0.011 0.019 110.701 109.791
How many adult persons (age 18 or higher) are there in your household? 0.044 0.092 0.004 0.009 −81.161 48.872
How many children (under the age 18) are there in your household? 0.006 0.102 0.001 0.010 47.498 61.917
Considering the income of all household members and all sources of income (eg, wages, social welfare, pensions, rents, fees, etc.), what is your average net monthly household income? −0.001 0.008 −0.000 0.001 10.526** 3.666
Which of the following is true regarding your current household income? 0.266 0.297 0.025 0.027 93.601 155.457
Knowledge of health insurance 0.062 0.278 0.006 0.026 −11.080 151.336
Experience of health insurance 0 0 0 0
Currently registered in any kind of health insurance 0 0 0 0
Having health insurance could prevent financial hardship if you get sick? 0.222 0.176 0.021 0.016 67.641 103.983
Return from health insurance is high when you get sick. 0.019 0.173 0.002 0.016 86.707 89.119
I do not expect to spend money for seeking health care this year because I am healthy. 0.037 0.119 0.003 0.011 117.804 67.665
Insurance benefits are higher than the cost of insurance and of giving user fees. 0.223 0.177 0.021 0.016 167.886 98.259
I trust health insurance system. −0.003 0.191 −0.000 0.018 136.465 107.530
I would prefer to pay at the time of illness instead of paying for insurance. 0.078 0.108 0.007 0.010 132.261* 63.035
Cons −2.212 2.011 −1808.218 1077.352
LR χ2 = 15.60
Prob > χ2 = 0.552
Pseudo R 2 = 0.109
Prob > F = 0.000
R‐squared = 0.203
Adj R‐squared = 0.156
Root MSE = 1176.8

P < 0.05.


P < 0.01.