Fig. 7.
Ratio between optimal and control partitioning fractions (optimal pX/control pX) of the carboxylation pool (pV, orange circles), the electron transport pool (pJ, red triangles), the light harvesting pool (pC, green squares), and contributions of daily leaf carbon assimilation (DLA) to the daily canopy carbon assimilation (DCA) increase by optimal partitioning (grey bars, right y-axis) along the canopy depth [leaf area index (LAI) m2 m−2] under 200% average daily photosynthetic photon integral during acclimation (aDPI200) for plants grown under (A) high nitrogen and high light (HN+HL), (B) high nitrogen and low light (HN+LL), (C) low nitrogen and high light (LN+HL), (D) low nitrogen and low light (LN+LL) conditions. Photosynthetic nitrogen partitioning is close to optimum for HN+LL and LN+LL under aDPI200, which corresponds to a DPI of 42.7 and 17.1 mol photons m−2 d−1 for HL and LL, respectively. See Table 4 for the increase in DCA by the optimal partitioning.