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. 2017 Oct 11;147(12):2297–2308. doi: 10.3945/jn.117.251587


Dependent variables for each of the perceptual and cognitive tasks and the direction of change indicative of improvement1

Task/domain Variable/change in value Description
SRT/perception Median RT/↓ Median RT for correct responses
CTH/perception HR/↑ Proportion of correct responses to stimuli with nonzero contrast
FAR/↑ Proportion of incorrect responses to stimuli with zero contrast
d′/↑ Sensitivity to the presence of contrast, d′ = Z−1(HR) − Z−1(FAR)
c/? Propensity to report the presence of contrast, independent of the state of the stimulus, c = −0.5 × [Z−1(HR) + Z−1(FAR)]
τ/↓ Lowest amount of contrast (in percentage of contrast) required for the observer to correctly report the presence of contrast
TTH/perception HR/↑ Proportion of correct responses to stimuli with nonzero exposure durations
FAR/↓ Proportion of incorrect responses to stimuli with zero exposure duration
d′/↑ Sensitivity to the presence of stimuli with nonzero exposure duration, calculated as above
c/? Propensity to report the presence of stimuli, independent of the exposure duration, calculated as above
τ/↓ Shortest exposure duration (in ms) required for the observer to correctly report the presence of the stimulus
ANT/attention RT, 0 cues/↓ RT0: Median RT (in ms) for correct responses to stimuli with 0 cues
RT, 2 cues/↓ RT2: Median RT (in ms) for correct responses to stimuli with 2 cues
Alerting/↑ RT0RT2
RT, center cues/↓ RTc: Median RT (in ms) for correct responses to stimuli with center cues
RT, spatial cues/↓ RTs: Median RT (in ms) for correct responses to stimuli with spatial cues
Orienting/↑ RTcRTs
RT, consistent flankers/↓ RTn: Median RT (in ms) for correct responses to stimuli with consistent flankers
RT, inconsistent flankers/↓ RTi: Median RT (in ms) for correct responses to stimuli with inconsistent flankers
Conflict/↓ RTnRTi
CFE/attention, memory RT/↑ Median RTs, interaction contrast (in ms): (FA − FM) − (UA − UM)
HR/↑ Proportion of trials on which person 1 was cued that were judged to be person 1, interaction contrast: (FM − FA) − (UM − UA)
FAR/↑ Proportion of trials on which person 2 was cued that were judged to be person 1, interaction contrast: (FA − FM) − (UA − UM)
d′/↑ Sensitivity to the presence of person 1, calculated as above, interaction contrast: (FM − FA) − (UA − UM)
c/? Bias to respond person 1 independent of the cued identity, calculated as above, interaction contrast: (FM − FA) − (UM − UA)
CRT/memory RT, 4 cues/↑ Median RT for correct responses to stimuli presented with all 4 quadrants visible
HR, 4 cues/↑ Proportion of old items with all 4 quadrants visible correctly identified as old
FAR, 4 cues/↓ Proportion of new items with all 4 quadrants visible incorrectly identified as old
d′, 4 cues/↑ Sensitivity to the presence of old items with all 4 quadrants visible, calculated as above
c, 4 cues/↑ Propensity to identify a stimulus with all 4 quadrants visible as old, independent of the state of the stimulus, calculated as above
PCC/↑ Percentage of change in capacity, based on the proportionality estimated β obtained from the proportional hazards model, (eβ − 1) × 100

A, aligned; ANT, attentional network task; c, bias; CFE, composite face effect task; CRT, cued recognition task; CTH, contrast threshold task; d′, sensitivity; F, familiar; FAR, false-alarm rate; HR, hit rate; M, misaligned; PCC, proportional change in capacity; RT, response time; SRT, simple reaction time task; TTH, temporal threshold task; U, unfamiliar; Z−1, inverse normal transformation; τ, threshold; ↑, increase in the value of the variable indicates improvement; ↓, decrease in the value of the variable indicates improvement; ?, neither increase nor decrease in the value of the variable indicates improvement.