Table 2.
Relationship tested | Statistical analysis | Chronic kidney disease GFR slope (mL/min/1.73 m2/year) |
Cystic fibrosis FEV1 (% predicted) |
Type 1 diabetes HbA1c (% total Hb) |
Distance from clinic and child’s health. | Linear regression | No relationship, r<0.1 | No relationship, r<0.1 | No relationship, r<0.1 |
Caregiver education and child’s health. | Kruskal–Wallace, post-hoc Mann–Whitney | DNG: –7.5(–31 to –0.2), ≥High school: -0.5(–4.1 to 2.1), Significant, P<0.01 | No significant group differences, P>0.05 | ≤High school: 8.0 (7.6–8.7), ≥College: 7.5 (6.9–8.4), Significant, P=0.04 |
Patient ethnicity and child’s health | Kruskal–Wallace | No significant group differences. | Insufficient data spread | No significant group differences. |
Patient gender and child’s health. | Mann–Whitney | Male: –0.4 (–3.9 to 2.4), Female: –2.1 (–7.8 to 1.3). Not significant, P=0.1 |
Male: 88.5 (74.8– 00.4), Female: 89.9 (80.4–98.5). Not significant, P=0.8 |
Male: 7.7(6.8–8.4), Female: 7.9 (7.3–8.6). Not significant, P=0.4 |
Family income and child’s health. | Kruskal–Wallace, post-hoc Mann–Whitney | ≤$45K: –1.5 (–10.6 to 0.3) >$45K: –0.6 (–4 to 2.1). Significant P=0.03 |
≤$45K:80.2 (66.8–83.6) >$45K: 93.2 (81–102.6) Significant P<0.001 |
≤$45K: 8.5 (7.3–12.1) >$45K: 7.6 (6.9–8.3). Significant P<0.01 |
Family income and distance from Vancouver. | Kruskal–Wallace, post-hoc Mann–Whitney | <$25K/year, 61.8 km (20.4–399) from Vancouver; $25–45K/year, 50 km (26.8–171); $45-65K/year, 45.7 km (20.5–250.3); >$65K/year, 37.5 km (19.4–110). No significant group differences, P=0.6 |
The relationship between five main social variables (distance from clinic, caregiver education, patient ethnicity, patient gender, family income) and the child’s current health in the three chronic disease groups (chronic kidney disease, cystic fibrosis, type 1 diabetes), plus the relationship between family income and distance from Vancouver. Values are expressed as median with interquartile range in brackets.
DNG Did not graduate; FEV 1 Forced expiratory volume in 1 s; GFR Glomerular filtration rate; HbA1c Hemoglobin A1c.