Table 1.
Commonly Assessed Cognitive Domains and Representative Neuropsychological Tests in Major Depressive Disorder Studiesa
Domain | Description | Representative Tests |
Attention | Encompasses ability to focus, maintain, and shift attention | Continuous Performance Test–Identical Pairs |
Processing speed | Ability to rapidly perceive or respond to stimuli | Trail Making Test Part A; Digit Symbol Substitution Test; Category Fluency: Animal Naming and Phonetic Fluency |
Working memory | Temporary storage and manipulation of information | Spatial Span subtest (WMS-III); Letter-number sequencing (WMS-III); Digit Span Forward and Backward (WAIS-R); Spatial Working Memory (CANTAB); n-Back Test |
Verbal learning and memory | Encompasses learning, encoding, retention, and retrieval of verbal information | California Verbal Learning Test–Revised; Hopkins Verbal Learning Test–Revised; Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test |
Visual learning and memory | Ability to retain and retrieve visual images | Brief Visuospatial Memory Test–Revised; Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test; Visual Memory Index; Pattern Recognition Memory (CANTAB); Spatial Recognition Memory (CANTAB); Delayed Matching to Sample (CANTAB); Paired Associates Learning (CANTAB); |
Executive functioning | Ability to plan, problem solve, and inhibit affectively charged or inappropriate responses | Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; Trail-Making Test Part B; Stroop Color-Word Interference Test; Tower of London (CANTAB); Controlled Oral Word Association Test; Stockings of Cambridge (CANTAB); Intra/Extradimensional Shift Test (CANTAB) |
WMS-III, Wechsler Memory Scale, 3rd ed.; WAIS-R, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Revised; CANTAB, Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery.