Figure 2.
Main effect of condition and condition contrasts. Main effect of the guided-imagery scripts in the group (N = 27) during scanning (red box on left). (a) Maps depict axial views of z-levels 6 (striatum/thalamus), 34 (precuneus/superior occipital gyrus/parietal lobe), 42 (inferior parietal lobule) from figure top to bottom with significant differences across conditions. “Blue box on the right”: Between-condition differences on the guided-imagery scripts in the group (N = 27) during spiritual and stress scripts, relative to neutral-relaxing scripts and each other. Axial views show z-levels −18, −10, 6, 42 from left to right. Maps depict % blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal change in the (b) spiritual condition relative to the neutral-relaxing condition (“Spirit > Neutral”), (c) the stress condition relative to the neutral-relaxing condition (“Stress > Neutral”) and (d) the spiritual condition relative to the stress condition (“Spirit > Stress”). All maps are thresholded at an uncorrected level of P < 0.001 two-tailed and family-wise-error-corrected at P < 0.05. Red color indicates where participants show relatively greater activation, and blue color demonstrates areas where participants show relatively reduced activation. The right side of the brain is on the left.