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. 2019 Apr 4;10(3):433–451. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmy103


Characteristics of observational studies examining the association of participants following vegetarian-based or non-vegetarian dietary patterns and common biomarkers of inflammation and immune function1

Study (ref.) Design/level of evidence Population/gender Comorbidities Country Age, y (mean or range) Years on vegetarian diet Biomarker investigated Study quality/7 Matched (NS different at baseline) Difference in biomarker (significance < 0.05)
Acosta-Navarro et al. (42) Cross-sectional V = 44 Nil Brazil V3 = 45.5 >4 hs-CRP 5 Age ● hs-CRP (NS)4
Navarro et al.2 (48) NV = 44 NV = 46.8 Leukocytes Gender ● Leukocytes significantly ↓ in V group
M Neutrophils Smoking status ● Neutrophils significantly ↓ in V group
hx of disease
Ambroszkiewicz et al. (43) Cross-sectional LOV = 43 Nil Poland 4.5–9.0 >4.5 CRP 4 Age ● CRP (NS)
NV = 46 BMI
M and F
Chen et al. (45) Cross-sectional V = 99 Nil Taiwan V = 51.24 >1 Leukocytes 4 Age ● CRP significantly ↑ in NV group
NV = 99 NV = 49.38 hs-CRP BMI
M and F
Chen et al. (44) Cross-sectional LOV = 173 Nil Taiwan LOV = 54.00 >1 hs-CRP 5 BMI ● hs-CRP (NS)
NV = 190 NV = 49.94 Leukocytes ● Leukocytes (NS)
F Thrombocytes ● Thrombocytes (NS)
Chuang et al. (46) Matched cohort/cross-sectional V = 686 Nil Taipei and Taiwan V = 45.2 Long-term CRP 5 Age ● CRP significantly ↑ in NV group
NV = 3423 O = 45.1 Location
M and F Sex
Dong and Scott (47) Cross-sectional Ve = 13 Nil USA Ve: M = 57; F = 40 >1 Leukocytes 1 Nil ● Significance not reported
LV = 28 LV: M = 45; F = 42
LOV = 15 LOV: M = 43; F = 35
NV = 4 NV: M = 31; F = 55
M and F
Famodu et al. (49) Cross-sectional Ve = 8 Nil Nigeria Ve = 47.1 Long-term Fibrinogen 3 Age BMI ● Fibrinogen significantly ↑ in NV group compared with LOV and Ve group
LOV = 28 LOV = 49.0 ● Fibrinogen significantly ↑ in LOV group compared with Ve group
NV = 40 NV = 48.7
M and F
Fontana et al. (50) Matched cohort/cross-sectional Ve = 21 Nil USA Ve = 53.1 >2 hs-CRP 2 Age ● CRP significantly ↑ in NV group
NV = 21 NV = 53.1
M and F
Fontana et al. (51) Matched cohort/cross-sectional Ve = 18 Nil USA 54.2 1.5–10 (range) hs-CRP 2 Age ● hs-CRP significantly ↑ in NV group
NV = 18 Sex
M and F SES
Franco-de-Moraes (52) Cross-sectional Ve = 66 Nil Brazil Ve = 49.6 >1 TNF-α 3 Age ● TNF-α (NS)
LOV = 102 LOV = 49.6 CRP Sex ● hs-CRP significantly ↑ in NV group
NV = 100 NV = 49.1 IL-10 ● IL-10 (NS)
Gorczyca et al. (53) Cross-sectional V = 22 Nil Poland V = 4 >1 IgA 3 Age ● IgA (NS)
NV = 18 NV = 9 (range 2–18) IgM Body weight ● IgM (NS)
M and F IgG Height ● IgG (NS)
Haddad et al. (54) Cross-sectional Ve = 25 Nil USA Ve = 36.0 >1 Leukocytes 3 AgePhysical activity level ● Leukocytes significantly ↓ in Ve group
NV = 20 O = 33.5 Lymphocytes Blood lipid concentrations ● Lymphocytes significantly ↓ in Ve group
M and F Neutrophils ● Neutrophils (NS)
Monocytes ● Monocytes (NS)
Eosinophils ● Eosinophils (NS)
Basophils ● Basophils (NS)
Thrombocytes ● Thrombocytes significantly ↓ in Ve group
IgA ● IgA (NS)
IgG ● IgG (NS)
IgM ● IgM (NS)
NK cell cytotoxic activity ● NK cell cytotoxic activity (NS)
Krajcovicova-Kudlackova and Blazicek (55) Cross-sectional LOV = 133 Nil Slovakia LOV = 46.2 >1 hs-CRP 2 Age ● hs-CRP significantly ↑ in NV group.
NV = 137 NV = 47.2
M and F
Malter et al. (56) Cross-sectional V = 22 Nil Germany V = 28–50 >1 Thrombocytes 2 Age ● Thrombocytes (NS)
O = 22 Leucocytes Gender ● Leucocytes (NS)
M Lymphocytes ● Lymphocytes (NS)
Monocytes ● Monocytes (NS)
Basophilic granulocytes ● Basophilic granulocytes (NS)
Eosinophilic granulocytes ● Eosinophilic granulocytes (NS)
NK cell cytotoxic activity ● NK cell activity of peripheral blood lymphocytes significantly ↑ in V group.
Mezzano et al. (57) Cross-sectional V = 26 Nil Chile V = 39 >1 Platelet count 3 Age ● Thrombocytes significantly ↓ in NV group
NV = 26 Fibrinogen Sex ● Fibrinogen significantly ↑ in NV group
M and F CRP SES ● CRP (NS)
Montalcini et al. (58) Cross-sectional LOV = 26 Nil Italy LOV = 32.6 ≥3 IL-2 5 Age ● IL-2 (NS)
NV = 26 NV = 30.5 IL-4 BMI ● IL-4 (NS)
M and F IL-6 Gender ● IL-6 (NS)
IL-8 ● IL-8 (NS)
IL-10 ● IL-10 (NS)
TNF-α ● TNF-α (NS)
IL-1α ● IL-1α (NS)
IL-1β ● Interleukin-β significantly ↑ in LOV group
Ou et al. (59) Case control/cross-sectional V = 21 Patients on dialysis therapy for >6 mo Taiwan V = 56.27 ≥1.5 hs-CRP 2 Age ● hs-CRP (NS)
NV = 42 O = 56.29 Sex
M and F
Paalani et al. (60) Cross-sectional V = 216 Nil USA 68.8 >1 CRP 4 Not reported ● CRP significantly ↑ in NV group
NV = 289 IL-6
M and F IL-10
Pinto et al. (61) Matched cohort/cross-sectional Ve = 23 Nil UK Ve = 49 >2 IL-6 6 Age ● IL-6 (NS)
NV = 24 NV = 54 Sex
Pongstaporn et al. (62) Cross-sectional V = 179 Nil Thailand V = 18+ >1 Leukocytes 2 Nil ● Leukocytes significantly ↓ in Ve group
NV = 58 Thrombocytes ● Thrombocytes (NS)
M and F Neutrophils ● Neutrophils (NS)
Lymphocytes ● Lymphocytes (NS)
Refsum et al. (63) Cross-sectional V = 78 100 CVD (42 of which DM) India V = 27–55 Long-term Thrombocytes 3 Nil ● Thrombocytes (NS)
NV = 126 104 without CVD (41 DM)
M and F
Sebekova et al. (64) Cross-sectional LOV = 90 Nil Slovakia LOV = 37.7 >2 Hs-CRP 2 Age ● Hs-CRP (NS)
NV = 46 O = 37.1 Leukocytes Gender ● Leukocytes (NS
M and F BMI
Sebekova et al. (65) Cross-sectional Ve = 19 Nil Slovakia Ve = 39.6 Ve = 7.2 CRP 2 Age ● CRP (NS)
LOV = 19 LOV = 36.1 LOV = 8.2
NV = 9 NV = 30.5
M and F
Su et al. (66) Cross-sectional LOV = 49 Nil Taiwan LOV = 58.6 ± 6.0 10.8 hs-CRP 3 Age ● hs-CRP (NS)
NV = 41 O = 57.2 ± 5.4 Gender
Suwannuruks et al. (67) Cross-sectional LOV = 50 Nil Thailand LOV 18–50 >1 Fibrinogen 1 Nil ● Fibrinogen (NS)
NV = 30 Leukocytes ● Leukocytes (NS)
M and F Thrombocytes ● Thrombocytes (NS)
Szeto et al. (68) Cross-sectional LOV = 30 Nil Hong Kong LOV = 44.2 5–55 (range) hs-CRP 2 Age ● CRP significantly ↑ in NV group
NV = 30 NV = 44.0 Sex
M and F
Tungtrongchitr et al. (69) Cross-sectional LV = 132NV = 47M and F Nil Thailand LV: M = 35.5; F = 33NV: M = 32.5; F = 32Median >1 Leukocytes 2 Age ● Leukocytes (NS)
Neutrophils Sex ● Neutrophils (NS)
Lymphocytes SES ● Lymphocytes significantly ↓ in LV group
Monocytes Ethnic origin ● Monocytes (NS)
Eosinophil ● Eosinophils significantly ↓ in female LV group compared with male LV and NV group
Basophil ● Eosinophils significantly ↑ in male LV group compared with female LV group and NV group
Thrombocytes ● Basophils (NS)
● Thrombocytes (NS)
Wu et al. (70) Cross-sectional V = 19 Patients receiving dialysis therapy >6 mo Taiwan V = 63.3 Long before HD—note mean length of HD = 5.9 hs-CRP 4 Age ● hs-CRP significantly ↑ in NV group
NV = 299 NV = 57.5 Leukocytes Sex ● Leukocytes significantly ↓ in V group
M and F Mean HD length
Yang et al. (71) Matched cohort/cross-sectional V = 171 Nil China V = 32.6 > 1 CRP 4 age ● CRP (NS)
NV = 12 NV = 34.2

(hs-)CRP, (high-sensitivity) C-reactive protein; CVD, cardiovascular disease; DM, diabetes mellitus; F, female, HD, hemodialysis; Hx, History; LOV, lacto-ovo-vegetarian; LV, lacto-vegetarian; M, male, NR, not reported; NS, not significant; NV, non-vegetarian; SES, socioeconomic status; Ve, vegan.


Two separate papers identified reporting on same study participants, with different outcome markers; slight difference in Navaro et al.’s population: V = 43, NV = 41; age, V = 45.0 y; NV = 46.5 y; and study quality = 4 between studies.


V, participants followed combinations of Ve, LV, or LOV diets.


NS, P > 0.05.