Hepatic expression of A) Gck, B) Pklr, C) G6pc, D) Pck1, E) Acc1, F) Fasn, G) Scd1, H) Cd36, I) Mogat1, J) Igfbp1, K) Cpt1a, and L) Ucp2 of overnight fasted mice after 38 days of the special diets. Open columns (control diet), black columns (t10c12-CLA diet), grey columns (c9t11-CLA diet). Data are represented as means +/− SEM of relative values of controls (set at 100%), and analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by a Tukey posthoc analysis. Different letters indicate significant differences between groups within time point. p<0.05. N= 5-6 mice/group.