(A) Timeline for the experiment. Red light stimulation for
1 hour was provided at CT7 in conditions of otherwise total darkness. Mechanical
arousal stimuli at Low Intensity were provided for 0.5 seconds every hour for 6
hours, with the first stimulation taking place 5 minutes into the red light
stimulation. All experimental animals in this experiment were females.
(B) Sleep patterns across the 3 experimental days.
(C) Quantification of activity counts (beam breaks) during the
minute pre-arousal compared with the first minute post-arousal, separately for
each arousal event. (D) Comparison of the change in activity
induced by arousal, averaged across all 6 arousal events. All groups
significantly increased their activity due to arousal. (E)
Visualization of the % of sleeping flies that were awoken by the mechanical
stimulation. For clarity, the sNPF alone and CHR alone control groups were
combined into a single Controls group. sNPF/CHR flies appeared to be aroused
from sleep at similar rates to Controls, but there were very few sleeping
Control animals when arousal was tested at this time of day. Error bars in panel
B-D represent the standard error of the mean, and the numbers
in parentheses in panel E represent the number of sleeping flies in
each group. The total numbers of experimental animals were as follows, for sNPF
alone, CHR alone, and sNPF/CHR groups, respectively: 31, 31, 28.