(A) Timeline for both of the experiments whose data are
shown in this figure. Red light stimulation for 1 hour was provided at CT19 in
conditions of otherwise total darkness. Mechanical arousal stimuli at either Low
Intensity or High Intensity were provided for 0.5 seconds every hour for 6
hours, with the first stimulation taking place 5 minutes into the red light
stimulation. All experimental animals in these experiments were females.
(B-C) Sleep patterns across the 3 experimental days for the Low
Intensity and High Intensity experiments, respectively. (D-E)
Results from the Low Intensity shaking experiment. (F-G) Results
from the High Intensity shaking experiment. (D, F) Quantification
of activity counts (beam breaks) during the minute pre-arousal compared with the
first minute post-arousal, separately for each arousal event. (E,
G) Comparison of the change in activity induced by arousal, averaged
across all 6 arousal events. (H) Visualization of the % of sleeping
flies that were awoken by the mechanical stimulation. For clarity, the sNPF
alone and CHR alone control groups were combined into a single Controls group
for each stimulation intensity. Although the % of sleeping flies that were
aroused was typically smaller for the sNPF/CHR flies than for the Controls,
sNPF/CHR flies could be aroused from sleep, and were aroused more frequently
with greater shaking intensity. Error bars in panels B-C represent
the standard error of the mean, and the numbers in parentheses in panel
D represent the number of sleeping flies in each group. The
total numbers of experimental animals were as follows, for sNPF alone, CHR
alone, and sNPF/CHR groups, respectively: Low Intensity shaking experiment
– 31, 17, 16; High Intensity shaking experiment – 25, 31, 31.