Fig. 4.
General motor ability and coordination in a novel open field and a balance beam assay were normal in Snord116 +/− mice. Activity and motor abilities are essential controls because hypolocomotion could confound the interpretation of result of interaction with objects, arena and object exploration, and sniffing and investigation times. Motor abilities were measured by (A) total distance traversed, (B) horizontal activity, (C) vertical activity and (D) time spent in the center of an arena over the course of a 30-min trial. Data are shown in 5-min time bins. (E) Summed activity over the course of the 30-min session highlights similar exploratory levels in Snord116 +/+ and Snord116 +/− mice. (F) Both groups showed longer latencies to cross the rod-shaped beams as they became thinner and more difficult to traverse. However, no genotype effects were observed in latency to traverse any of the various widths of beams, regardless of difficulty.