Table 2.
Sociodemographic, behavioral, clinical, and facility characteristics of adults living with HIV in care with recent diagnoses reporting any discrimination, Medical Monitoring Project 2011–2014 (n = 3,770).
Variable | n | Any discrimination | Weighted % (95% CI) | No discrimination | Weighted % (95% CI) | p-value |
Gender | ||||||
Male | 2838 | 373 | 14.0 (12.3, 15.8) | 2465 | 86.0 (84.2, 87.7) | 0.08 |
Female | 877 | 118 | 13.8 (11.7, 16.0) | 759 | 86.2 (84.0, 88.3) | Ref |
Transgendera | 53 | 12 | 24.5 (11.7, 37.4) | 41 | 75.5 (62.6, 88.3) | 0.05 |
Race/ethnicity | ||||||
Black | 1746 | 184 | 11.5 (9.6, 13.4) | 1562 | 88.5 (86.6, 90.4) | Ref |
Hispanic/Latinob | 912 | 126 | 13.3 (11.0, 15.7) | 786 | 86.7 (84.3, 89.0) | 0.05 |
White | 913 | 153 | 18.2 (15.1, 21.2) | 760 | 81.8 (78.8, 84.9) | 0.09 |
Otder/Multiracialc | 199 | 40 | 21.3 (15.1, 27.5) | 159 | 78.7 (72.5, 84.9) | 0.02 |
Age (years) | ||||||
18–29 | 973 | 127 | 14.0 (11.1, 16.9) | 846 | 86.0 (83.1, 88.9) | 0.95 |
30–39 | 952 | 134 | 14.7 (12.3, 17.2) | 818 | 85.3 (82.8, 87.7) | 0.57 |
40–49 | 963 | 133 | 15.0 (12.5, 17.6) | 830 | 85.0 (82.4, 87.5) | 0.37 |
≥50 | 882 | 109 | 12.7 (10.3, 15.1) | 773 | 87.3 (84.9, 90.0) | Ref |
Sexual orientation | ||||||
Homosexual | 1195 | 173 | 15.3 (12.7, 17.9) | 1022 | 84.7 (82.1, 87.3) | 0.55 |
Heterosexual | 1297 | 167 | 13.4 (11.4, 15.5) | 1130 | 86.6 (84.5, 88.6) | Ref |
Bisexual | 270 | 39 | 15.3 (10.7, 19.9) | 231 | 84.7 (80.1, 89.3) | 0.69 |
Education | ||||||
< High school | 711 | 79 | 11.6 (8.2, 15.1) | 632 | 88.4 (84.9, 91.8) | Ref |
High school or equivalent | 1108 | 127 | 12.9 (10.4, 15.3) | 981 | 87.1 (84.7, 89.6) | 0.58 |
> High school | 1950 | 297 | 15.7 (14.3, 17.2) | 1653 | 84.3 (82.8, 85.8) | 0.04 |
Povertyd in past 12 months | ||||||
Above poverty level | 1736 | 216 | 13.4 (11.5, 15.3) | 1520 | 86.6 (84.7, 88.5) | Ref |
At or below poverty level | 1814 | 268 | 15.6 (13.8, 17.4) | 1546 | 84.4 (82.6, 86.2) | 0.04 |
Homelessnesse | ||||||
Homeless in past 12 months | 421 | 88 | 22.4 (16.9, 27.9) | 333 | 77.6 (72.1, 83.1) | <0.01 |
Not homeless in past 12 months | 3349 | 415 | 13.1 (11.7, 14.6) | 2934 | 86.9 (85.4, 88.3) | Ref |
Incarcerated in past 12 months | ||||||
Yes | 223 | 39 | 18.7 (13.4, 24.0) | 184 | 81.3 (76.0, 86.6) | 0.05 |
No | 3546 | 463 | 13.8 (12.4, 15.3) | 3083 | 86.2 (84.7, 87.6) | Ref |
Country of birth | ||||||
Born outside U.S. | 666 | 73 | 11.1 (6.7, 13.4) | 593 | 88.9 (86.6, 91.3) | Ref |
Born in U.S. | 3103 | 430 | 14.8 (13.2, 16.3) | 2673 | 85.2 (83.7, 86.8) | 0.01 |
Injection drug use | ||||||
Injected drugs in past 12 months | 84 | 18 | 25.1 (12.0, 38.1) | 66 | 74.9 (61.9, 88.0) | 0.04 |
Did not inject drugs in past 12 months | 3675 | 481 | 13.8 (12.5, 15.2) | 3194 | 86.2 (84.8, 87.5) | Ref |
ART use and adherencef | ||||||
Not taking ART | 343 | 40 | 13.8 (9.9, 17.8) | 303 | 86.2 (82.2, 90.1) | 0.97 |
Taking ART, Not Adherent | 400 | 53 | 13.2 (9.8, 16.6) | 347 | 86.8 (83.4, 90.2) | Ref |
Taking ART, Adherent | 2927 | 395 | 14.3 (12.8, 15.8) | 2532 | 85.7 (84.2, 87.2) | 0.58 |
Sustained viral suppression in past 12 monthsg | ||||||
All viral loads <200 copies/ml | 2152 | 293 | 14.4 (12.7, 16.2) | 1859 | 85.6 (83.8, 87.3) | 0.59 |
≥1 viral loads ≥200 copies/ml | 1618 | 210 | 13.8 (11.9, 15.6) | 1408 | 86.2 (84.4, 88.1) | Ref |
Clinical status | ||||||
AIDS or CD4+ cell count 0–199 cells/μl (nadir) | 1914 | 250 | 14.0 (12.0, 16.0) | 1664 | 86.0 (84.0, 88.0) | 0.08 |
No AIDS and CD4+ cell count 200–499 cells/μl (nadir) | 1431 | 192 | 13.7 (11.7, 15.7) | 1239 | 88.3 (84.3, 88.3) | Ref |
No AIDS and CD4+ cell count ≥500 cells/μl (nadir) | 402 | 60 | 17.2 (13.0, 21.3) | 342 | 82.8 (78.7, 87.0) | 0.42 |
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) funded facilityh | ||||||
Yes | 2877 | 359 | 13.4 (12.1, 14.8) | 2518 | 86.6 (85.2, 87.9) | Ref |
No | 643 | 115 | 18.3 (13.6, 23.0) | 528 | 81.7 (77.0, 86.4) | 0.03 |
Facility typei | ||||||
Public | 1435 | 180 | 13.5 (11.2, 15.8) | 1255 | 86.5 (84.2, 88.8) | Ref |
Private | 2151 | 295 | 14.5 (12.9, 16.1) | 1856 | 85.5 (83.9, 87.1) | 0.53 |
Other | 115 | 21 | 17.7 (11.4, 24.0) | 94 | 82.3 (76.0, 88.6) | 0.21 |
Facility sizej | ||||||
Small | 158 | 23 | 15.5 (8.0, 23.1) | 135 | 84.5 (76.9, 92.0) | 0.72 |
Medium | 1386 | 194 | 14.5 (12.1, 17.0) | 1192 | 85.5 (83.0, 87.9) | 0.97 |
Large | 2226 | 286 | 13.8 (12.3, 15.3) | 1940 | 86.2 (84.7, 87.7) | Ref |
Single pace of care in past 12 months | 3758 | 501 | 14.1 (12.8, 15.5) | 3257 | 85.9 (84.5, 87.2) | 0.20 |
Patients were classified as transgender if sex at birth and gender reported by patient were different, or if patient chose transgender in response to the question about self-identified gender.
Hispanic/Latinos might be of any race. Patients are classified in only one race/ethnicity category.
Persons who reported multiple racial identities or a race/ethnicity other than non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, or Hispanic/Latino were categorized as “other/multiracial.”
Poverty guidelines as defined by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). More information regarding the HHS poverty guidelines can be found at
Living on the street, in a shelter, in a single-room-occupancy hotel, or in a car.
Antiretroviral therapy (ART) use and adherence were defined as a three-level categorical variable: not taking ART; taking ART, but not adherent; and taking ART, adherent. Adherence was defined as self-reported 100% adherence to all HIV medicine doses in the past 3 days.
Sustained viral suppression was defined as all HIV viral load tests documented as undetectable or <200 copies/mL during the past 12 months.
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) funding was defined as receiving any funding from any Ryan White source, including parts A, B, C, or D.
Facility type was categorized as public-owned, private-owned, or other type of ownership.
Facility size was categorized as small (<50 patients), medium (50–400 patients), and large (>400 patients).