Fig. 2.
Comparison of genomic profiles between MET500 breast cancer samples and CCLE breast cancer cell lines. a Somatic mutation profile of the 75 genes across MET500 breast cancer samples and CCLE breast cancer cell lines. The top-side color bar indicates data sources (MET500 or CCLE) and the right-side color bar indicates mutation frequency. b Comparison of CNV profiles between MET500 breast cancer samples and CCLE breast cancer cell lines. c Comparison of CNV profiles between MET500 breast cancer samples and the 33 primary-site derived CCLE breast cancer cell lines. d Comparison of CNV profiles between MET500 breast cancer samples and the 24 metastatic-site-derived CCLE breast cancer cell lines. In panels b–d, each dot is a gene, with y-axis representing its median CNV value across MET500 breast cancer samples, and x-axis representing its median CNV value across CCLE breast cancer cell lines. In panels c and d, genes with high copy-number-gain in MET500 breast cancer samples were marked by red. Source data are provided as a Source Data file