Fig. 3.
TC analysis between MET500 breast cancer samples and CCLE breast cancer cell lines. a In total, 1019 CCLE cell lines are ranked according to their transcriptome similarity with MET500 breast cancer samples. Each dot is a CCLE cell line and breast cancer cell lines are marked by red. b Metastatic-site-specific TC analysis results are highly correlated between liver and lymph node. Each dot is a CCLE breast cancer cell line, with x-axis representing its transcriptome similarity with the nine lymph-node-derived MET500 breast cancer samples, and y-axis representing its transcriptome similarity with the 27 liver-derived MET500 breast cancer samples. c t-SNE plot of MET500 breast cancer samples. Metastatic-sites are labeled by color and subtypes are labeled by shape. d Pair-wise comparison of subtype-specific TC analysis results. In the lower-left plots, each dot is a CCLE breast cancer cell line, with the two axis representing transcriptome similarity of the cell line with MET500 breast cancer samples of the two intersecting subtypes. The upper-right shaded values are the corresponding pair-wise spearman rank correlation values of each pair. Source data are provided as a Source Data file