In Vivo LPS Stimulation Affects Immune Cell Subsets in Humanized NSG Mice
As described in Figure 2A, leukocytes from PB were isolated at various time points and subsequently stained with various antibodies for flow cytometric analysis. Because of mouse-to-mouse variation, we used frequencies of each cell subset of individual mice before LPS injection (day 0) as a baseline and then calculated the relative frequency change of each cell subset at 3 and 24 h. The relative change of each cell subset before LPS stimulation was defined as 1. (A) Effect of LPS on human leukocytes. (B and C) Effect of LPS on T lymphocytes. (B) LPS did not significantly affect the human CD4+ T cell subset, but (C) it reduced the human CD8+ T cell subset at 3 h after LPS stimulation. (D and E) Effect of LPS on monocytes and granulocytes. (D) In vivo LPS stimulation resulted in a decrease in the human CD14+ monocyte subset, (E) but an increase in the human CD16+ granulocyte subset at 3 h after LPS stimulation. Flow analysis was performed in duplicate. Data are presented as the mean ± SD. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001. ns, no significant difference. Analysis by two-tailed Student’s t test.