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. 2019 Apr 18;11(4):870. doi: 10.3390/nu11040870

Table 3.

Food Related Characteristics of Participants (N = 141).

Food Related Variables Number %
141 100
Typical ingredients used in meal preparation
Mostly pre-prepared ingredients and assemble 5 3.5
Mostly pre-prepared ingredients, some fresh, basic or raw ingredients 68 48.2
Mostly fresh, basic or raw ingredients, some pre-prepared ingredients 59 41.8
Only fresh, basic or raw ingredients 9 6.4
Consumption of meals prepared outside the home (e.g. restaurant takeaway food, Chinese, fish and chips, etc.)
Everyday 6 4.3
4–6 times per week 6 4.3
2–3 times per week 7 5.0
Once per week 62 44.0
Less than once per week 54 38.3
Never 6 4.3
*Breakfast (N = 138)
Never 8 5.8
Weekdays 16 11.6
Weekends 18 13.0
Both 96 69.6
Lunch (N = 137)
Never 4 2.9
Weekdays 25 18.2
Weekends 9 6.6
Both 99 72.3
Dinner (N = 136)
†Never 1 0.7
Weekdays 13 9.6
Weekends 3 2.2
Both 119 87.5
Minimum Maximum Mean SD
‡Cooking Skills Confidence (N = 139) 30 97 65.74 14.66
Food Skills Confidence (N = 140) 14 124 84.15 20.41
Cooking Identity (N = 138) 7 30 16.67 3.82
Food Neophilia (N = 140) 3 14 6.33 2.28

* Participants were asked “Do you prepare/cook Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner during weekdays, weekends or both? (including preparing cold dishes like salads, or reheating ready-made foods)” † This participant was responsible for the meal preparation of their household, however, this consisted of collecting the takeaway. ‡ Cooking and food skills confidence were measured using a paper pen version of the validated measure in Lavelle et al. [29].