mRNA levels of 84 cytokine in EBOV-fatal compared to EBOV-survivor patients during the acute and late phases of infection. (a,b) Heat-maps of the fold change in mRNA levels of a panel of cytokines in 23 EBOV-fatal samples as compared to 19 EBOV-survivor samples during the acute phase (a); and 15 EBOV-fatal samples as compared to 18 EBOV-survivor samples during the late phase (b) of infection. Fold changes ≥2 (upregulation, red) or <−2 (downregulation, green) are shown. (c,d) Up- or down-regulation of cytokines mRNA levels in fatal versus survivor EVD patients during the acute (c) and late (d) phases of infection. The data are reported as positive (up-regulation) or negative (down-regulation) mean fold changes observed during the acute (black bars) and late phase of infection (white bars). Only cytokines for which the fold change was more than 2 (up-regulation) or less than −2 (down-regulation) were considered. Significant statistical differences in mRNA levels (∆Ct) between the two groups are reported (* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 in Mann–Whitney test).