Figure 5.
Variations in the fecal microbiota in GERD patients with PPI use
A. LEfSe comparison of the microbiota in fecal samples from GERD patients with or without PPI use and the HC group. Enriched taxa in samples from GERD patients and HCs with different classification levels with an LDA score >3.0 are shown. B. Cladogram plotted based on LEfSe analysis showing the taxonomic levels represented by rings, with phyla in the outermost ring and genera in the innermost ring. Each circle represents a member within that level. The taxa at each level are colored according to abundance (P < 0.05; LDA score >3). C. Extended error bar plots showing significantly different microbiota between non-PPI-user, short-term PPI-user, and long-term PPI-user with an effect size ≥1%.