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. 2019 Apr 18;11(4):872. doi: 10.3390/nu11040872

Table 2.

Effects of n-3 PUFA supplementation in oxidative stress in healthy subjects or in population with cardiometabolic disorders.

Reference Study Design Population Intervention Outcome Measurements Comments
Meydani et al., 1991 [170] Randomized intervention before and after comparison Young females, aged 51–71; n = 14. Old females, aged 51–71. n = 9 1680 mg EPA + 720 mg DHA per day for 3 months Plasma MDA level ↑Plasma MDA level
Harats et al., 1991 [171] Randomized parallel clinical trial Study A: Smokers:
Control: BMI: 23.5 ± 1.2, age: 42.6, n = 5
Fish oil: 23.8 ± 0.8, age: 37.4, n = 6
Study B: Smokers
Control: BMI: 24.5 ± 1.2, age: 31, n = 3
Fish oil: BMI: 25.0 ± 1.3, age: 29.1, n = 3
Fish oil + VitE: BMI: 23.5 ± 1.2, age: 35.2, n = 4
Study C: Non-smokers, normolipidemic:
Control: BMI: 23.7, age: 36.8, n = 8
Fish oil: BMI: 24.7 ± 1.3, age: 41, n = 6
Fish oil + VitE: BMI: 24.5 ± 1.9, age: 38.8, n = 6
Study A: Fish oil: concentrate (MaxEPA), 10 g/d for 4 weeks.
Study B and C,
Fish oil: (MaxEPA), 10 g/d for 4 weeks
Fish oil (10 g/day) + Vit E (400 mg/d) for 4 weeks
Plasma and LDL TBARS level 10 g/d of fish oil consumption
↑plasma LDL TBARS level in smokers and non-smokers
Vitamin E
counteracted the effect of fish oil more effectively in non-smokers
Nenseter et al., 1992 [176] Randomized placebo-controlled parallel clinical trial Normolipidemic subjects
Treatment: women and men, BMI not reported, age: 27–63, n = 12
Control: women and men, BMI not reported, age: 23–70, n = 11
Treatment: 6 g capsules/d of n-3 PUFA (highly concentrated ethyl esters).
Control: 6 g of corn oil
Duration: 4 months
Susceptibility of LDL to Lipid peroxides formation ↔ Lipid peroxides formation
Frankel et al., 1994 [177] Randomized, double-blind, clinical trial Hypertriglycemic men and women, age, BMI, smoking status not reported. n = 9/group Control group: fish oil absent from the diet.
Supplemented group: 5.1 g of fish oil per day for 6 weeks
LDL oxidative susceptibility ↔ LDL oxidative susceptibility
Brude et al., 1997 [178] Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel clinical trial Male smokers, hyperlipidemia, aged 40–60, BMI not mentioned.
n-3 PUFA capsule group (n = 11), antioxidant group (n = 11), n-3 PUFAS + antioxidants group (n = 11), control oil group (n = 9)
n-3 PUFAS group: 5 g DHA and EPA/d
Antioxidants capsule, 75 mg Vit E, 150 mg Vit C, 15 mg β-carotene, and 30 mg coenzyme Q10 per day
Control group: 8 g of oil with an FA pattern similar to an ordinary Norwegian diet
Lasted for 6 weeks
LDL oxidative susceptibility, lipid peroxides ↔ LDL oxidative susceptibility,
↔ lipid peroxides
Mori et al., 1999 [159] Randomized, controlled parallel study 49 untrained and sedentary NIDDM patients. Age: 30–65 y.
BMI < 36 kg/m2
Study 1:
Group 1: Low-fat diet (30% of daily energy) (n = 14)
Group 2: Low-fat diet + one daily fish meal (3.6 g n-3 PUFA/day) (n = 12)
Group 3: Low-fat diet + Moderate exercise (n = 11)
Group 4: Low-fat diet + Fish meal + moderate exercise (n = 12)
for 8 weeks.
Urine F2- isoprostanes Urine F2- isoprostanes
Higdon et al., 2000 [160] Randomized blinded, crossover study Post-menopausal women, aged between 50–75, BMI < 30 kg/m2, non-smokers, n = 15 Fish oil group: 15 g/d (2.0 g EPA/d and 1.4 g DHA/d)
Safflower oil group: 15g/d (10.5 g linoleate/d);
Sunflower oil: 15g/d (12.3 g oleate/d) in a 3-treatment crossover trial (5 weeks with a 7-wk washout interval)
Plasma F2-isoprostanes, MDA, and TBARS In fish oil group:
↓plasma F2-isoprostanes
Wander and Du, 2000 [172] Randomized crossover study Post-menopausal women, aged 45–75, BMI < 30 kg/m2, smoking status not reported. n = 46 Group 1: fish oil (2.5 g EPA and 1.8 g DHA)
Group 2: fish oil (2.5 g EPA and 1.8 g DHA) + 100 mg α-tocopheryl acetate
Group 3: fish oil (2.5 g EPA and 1.8 g DHA) + 200 mg α-tocopheryl acetate
Group 4: fish oil (2.5 g EPA and 1.8 g DHA) + 400 mg α-tocopheryl acetate
for 5 weeks (4-period crossover design)
TBARS, protein oxidation ↑TBARS. Protein oxidation not changed
Mori et al., 2000 [162] Randomized, placebo-controlled parallel study Overweight, mildly hyperlipidemic men, age: 20–65 y, BMI: 25–30 kg/m2 Group 1: 4 g/d of purified EPA (n = 19)
Group 2: 4 g/d of purified DHA (n = 17)
Group 3: 4 g/d of olive oil (n = 20) for 6 weeks
Urine F2- isoprostanes ↓Urine F2- isoprostanes in the EPA, DHA treatment groups
Wu et al., 2006 [179] Randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled parallel clinical trial Post-menopausal vegetarian women, aged <60.
Corn oil: n = 13
DHA: n = 14
Corn oil group: 6 g corn oil/day
DHA-rich algae oil group: 2.14 g of DHA/day
for 6 weeks
Plasma α-tocopherol, urine F2-isoprostanes ↔Plasma α-tocopherol, urine F2-isoprostanes
Egert et al., 2007 [173] Randomized parallel controlled study Healthy men and women, aged: 25.9 ± 6.82; BMI: 22.2 ± 2.95, non-smokers. n = 48 ALA group: Rapeseed oil +1% of energy of ALA (n = 15)
EPA group: Rapeseed oil + 1% of energy of EPA (n = 17)
DHA group: Rapeseed oil + 1% of energy of DHA (n = 16)
Ex vivo LDL oxidative susceptibility EPA and DHA group: ↑ ex vivo LDL oxidative susceptibility
Cazzola et al., 2007 [163] Randomized parallel placebo-controlled intervention Healthy young men (age: 14–42 y, BMI: 24.1 ± 0.3). n = 93
Healthy old men (age: 53-70 y. BMI: 27.6 ± 0.0). n = 62
4 young and 4 older groups:
1: 1.35 g EPA + 0.27 g DHA per day;
2: 2.7 g EPA + 0.54 g DHA per day;
3: 4.05 g EPA + 0.81 g DHA per day;
4: corn oil group
Lasted for 12 weeks
Plasma lipid hydroperoxides
Lag time of lipoprotein peroxidation
↓Plasma lipid hydroperoxides
↓Lag time of lipoprotein peroxidation and ↓GSH/Gluthatione in olders
Hanwell et al., 2009 [180] Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover clinical trial Hyper-triglyceridemic, overweight, and obese men; aged > 45, smoking status not reported. n = 10 in total High-fat, high-fructose meal in all groups:
Fish oil group: 7 g of fish oil concentrate (2.8 g EPA and 1.4 g DHA)
Isoflavone group: 336 mg NovaSoy (150 mg glycoside isoflavones).
Fish oil + isoflavone: 7 g fish oil + 336 mg NovaSoy
Placebo group: 7 g corn oil
Consumed 4 days separated by 1week wash out.
Lipid peroxides, oxidized LDL,
total antioxidant status
↔ Lipid peroxides,
↔ oxidized LDL,
↔ total antioxidant status
Bloomer et al., 2009 [174] Randomized, double-blind crossover study Subjects are exercise trained man, non-smokers, no history of cardiometabolic diseases.
Age: 25.5 ± 4.8 y. BMI: 24.1 ± 1.6
n = 14
Intervention group: 2.224 g EPA and 2.208 g DHA per day
Control group: same quantity of soybean oil
Duration: 6 weeks (with 8-week washout)
Supplementation were prior to performing a 60 min treadmill climb using a weighted pack
Blood was collected pre and post exercise and analyzed for a variety of oxidative stress (Protein carbonyls, IgG-autoantibodies, low-density lipoprotein, Malondialdehyde, Hydrogen peroxide and xanthine oxidase activity, Nitric oxide, Whole blood lactate and inflammatory biomarkers Resting levels:
↓ CRP, ↓TNF- α, ↔ MDA,
↔ Nitric oxide.
↑ oxidative biomarkers (mild)
Mas et al., 2010 [164] Randomized, Placebo-controlled intervention Study A: placebo-controlled intervention (BMI: 25–30), dyslipidemic men, age: 20–54 y, n = 17–20 per group.
Study B: hypertensive type 2 diabetic and post-menopausal women, age: 40–75 y, n = 16–18
In both studies,
n-3 PUFA group: 4 g/day of EPA or DHA
Control group: Olive oil placebo
lasted for 6 weeks
Plasma F2-isoprostanes ↓ Plasma F2-isoprostanes with n-3 PUFAS supplementation
Petersson et al., 2010 [181] Randomized parallel study Participants with metabolic syndrome, age: 35–70 y, BMI: 20–40 kg/m2, smokers or non-smokers.
Saturated high-fat diet: n = 100
Monosaturated high-fat diet: n = 111
Low-fat diets with n-3 PUFA: n = 100
Low-fat diets with sunflower oil: n = 106
Saturated high-fat diet (38% E fat): (HSFA: 16% SFA, 12% MUFA and 6% PUFA),
Monosaturated high-fat diet (38% E fat): (HMUFA: 8% SFA, 20% MUFA and 6% PUFA)
Low-fat (28% E) high-complex carbohydrate diets (LFHCC: 8% SFA, 11% MUFA and 6% PUFA) with 1.24 g/d n-3 PUFA
Low-fat (28% E)-high-complex carbohydrate diets (LFHCC: 8% SFA, 11% MUFA and 6% PUFA) with 1g/d high-oleic acid sunflower oil
For 12 weeks
Urinary levels of 8-iso-PGF2α and 15-keto-dihydro-PGF2α
Serum CRP
↔ 8-iso-PGF2α
↔ 15-keto-dihydro-PGF2α
↔ Serum CRP
Ulven et al., 2011 [182] Randomized parallel study Participants with normal or slightly elevated total blood cholesterol and/or triglyceride levels, age: 30–50 y, BMI > 30 kg/m2 Krill oil group: 3 g/day (EPA + DHA= 543 mg/day) in 6 capsules (n = 36)
Fish oil group: 1.8 g/day (EPA + DHA= 864 mg/day) in 3 capsules (n = 40)
Control group: no supplementation (n = 37)
Duration: 7 weeks
Urine F2-isoprostanes, plasma α-tocopherol ↔ Urine F2-isoprostanes,
↔ plasma α-tocopherol
Egert et al., 2012 [184] Randomized single-blind parallel Men and premenopausal women; Age: 19–43 y; BMI < 28 kg/m2, non-smokers Margarines fortified with 10% weight of EPA, DHA, or ALA
EPA group: 2.2 g/day (n = 25).
DHA group: 2.3 g/day (n = 25)
ALA group: 4.4 g/day (n = 24)
For 6 weeks
Antioxidant capacity, plasma MDA, RBC-MDA, linoleic acid hydroperoxides (LA-OOH) in RBC ↔ Antioxidant capacity
↑Plasma MDA in EPA and DHA groups.
Kirkhus et al., 2012 [185] Open, randomized parallel study 159 healthy men and women. Age: 18–70 y, BMI < 30 kg/m2, moderate smokers 1g/day of EPA + DHA as:
- fish pâté (34 g). n = 44
- n-3 PUFA-enriched fruit juice (500 mL). n = 38
- 3 capsuled of fish oil. n = 40
- Control: non-supplemented. n = 37
Duration: 7weeks
Urine F2-isoprostanes and plasma α-tocopherol ↓Plasma α-tocopherol in fish pâté group when calculated in
relation to the level of serum TG
↔ F2-isoprostanes
Ottestad et al., 2012 [183] Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel study 54 Healthy men and women, age: 18–50 y, BMI < 30 kg/m2, non-smokers Group 1: 8 g/d of fish oil (EPA/DHA) n = 17
Group 2: 8 g/d of oxidized fish oil (EPA/DHA) n = 18
Group 3: 8 g/d of high-oleic sunflower oil n = 19
For 7 weeks
Urine F2-isoprostanes and plasma oxidation products from n-3 PUFA and n-6 PUFA oxidation 4-HHE and 4-HNE; plasma α-tocopherol, enzymatic activity of GR, GPx, and CAT ↔ Urine F2-isoprostanes and
↔ plasma oxidation products from n-3 PUFA and n-6 PUFA oxidation
↔ 4-HHE and ↔ 4-HNE;
↔ plasma α-tocopherol,
↔ enzymatic activity of GR, GPx, and CAT
Schimidt et al., 2012 [165] Randomized, controlled, parallel intervention 10 normo and 10 dyslipidemic men; Age: 29–51, BMI: 35 kg/m2. n = 20 6 Fish oil capsules, providing 1.14 g DHA and 1.56 g EPA per day, for 12 weeks GST, GR, and antioxidative enzymes SOD3, CAT, and HMOX2 expression in whole blood cells, GPx, MMPs, cyrochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes expression in whole blood ↑GST, ↑GR and antioxidative enzymes ↑SOD3, ↑CAT and HMOX2 expression, ↓GPx,
↓MMPs, ↓cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes expression
Kiecolt-Glaser et al., 2013 [166] Randomized, double-blind, controlled parallel trial Healthy sedentary overweight middle-aged and older adults
Age: 48–85 y, BMI: 22.5–40 kg/m2. Non-smokers
Group 1: 2.5 g/day n-3 PUFA (n = 35),
Group 2: l.25 g/day n-3 PUFA (n = 40)
Group 3: placebo capsules that mirrored the proportions of fatty acids in the typical American diet (n = 31)
Duration: 4 months
Plasma F2-isoprostanes ↓Plasma F2-isoprostanes with n-3 PUFAS supplementation
Haijianfar et al., 2013 [167] Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial Type 2 diabetic women. Age: 45–65 y
BMI: 27.7 ± 3.4 (n-3 PUFA group).
BMI: 28 ± 3.8. (Control group)
n-3 PUFA group: 2000 mg/d in 2 capsules: each contained 1,000 mg n-3PUFA (65% EPA, 360 mg and 35% DHA, 240 mg) (n = 37)
Control group: 2 placebo capsules, each contains 1 g of cornstarch (n = 34)
Duration: 8 weeks
Serum antioxidant capacity ↑Antioxidant capacity in the n-3 PUFA supplemented group
Véricel et al. 2015 [168] Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, two-period crossover trial Post-menopausal women with type 2 diabetes, age: 59.8 ± 4.7 y, BMI: 34.1 ± 5 kg/m2. n = 11 Intervention: 400 mg/day of DHA (in 2 capsules/d)
Control: 2 placebo (same amount of sunflower oil)
Duration: 2 weeks
Plasma and platelet vitamin E, alpha- and gamma-tocopherol concentrations, plasma MDA, 8-iso-PGF2α ↑ Platelet alpha-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol tend to increase.
n-3 PUFAS supplementation
↓ oxidative stress associated with diabetes
Alves Luzia et al. (2015) [175] Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Women (40 to 70 years) with low habitual fatty fish and seafood intake, who met at least two of the following criteria: total cholesterol > 200 mg/dL, LDL-C > 140 mg/dL, HDL-C < 50 mg/dL, and triglycerides >150 mg/dL The fish oil group: daily consumption of 1 g n-3 PUFA (540 mg EPA + 360 mg DHA) and 1 capsule of placebo (n = 22)
Fish+VitE group: 1 g n-3 PUFA, 400 mg vitamin E/ alpha-tocopherol (n = 19).
Placebo group: 2 capsules/d mineral oil (n = 18)
Duration: 3 months
Biomarkers of oxidative stress at baseline, 45 and 90 days ↑ TBARS in the group supplemented with fish oil alone, but not in the fish oil + vitamin E group
Berge et al., (2015) [169] Randomized, clinical interventional pilot study Healthy female and male, mean age: 23 ± 4 y. BMI: 20.9 kg/m2, n=17 17 subjects received dietary supplementation with krill oil (832.5 mg EPA and DHA per day) for 28 days Plasma total antioxidant capacity (AOC) ↑AOC after krill oil intake. AOC positively correlated with plasma EPA concentration and RBC EPA concentration
Fayh et al., 2018 [161] Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Male and female with T2DM, Age: 50–57 y. Mean BMI: 28.2 kg/m2 in n-3 PUFAS group and 28.8 kg/m2 in control group. n = 15/group Control group: 3 capsules/day that contains 500 mg gelatin
Intervention group: 3 capsules/d (each capsule contains 180 mg EPA, 120 mg DHA, 2 mg Vit E)
For 8 weeks
At the beginning and at the end of protocol, an acute exercise was performed (treadmill)
TBARS; Plasma F2-isoprostanes, TRAP, SOD activity, hs-CRP n-3 PUFA supplementation:
↓ TG, ↓TRAP levels after exercise, without a significant effect on inflammatory and oxidative-stress markers

Abbreviations: NAFLD, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease; AST, aspartate transaminase; ALT, alanine transaminase; GGT, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase; ↑, increased; ↓, decreased; ↔, not changed; TG, triglycerides; US, ultrasonography; DPI, doppler perfusion index; TNF-alpha, tumor necrosis factor-alpha; HOMA-IR, homeostasis model assessment-estimated IR; HDL, high density lipoprotein; FBG, fasting blood glucose; NS, not significant; CRP, C-reactive protein; MDA, malondialdehyde; EPA-E, ethyl-eicosapentanoic acid; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NAS, NASH activity score; ApoB, apolipoprotein B, FGF21, fibroblast growth factor 21; PGE2, prostaglandin E2; Hb1C, Hemoglobin A1c.