Fig. 2.
Schematic diagram of left atrium global longitudinal strain index of measured by VSSLV, VISLV and VISLA. Apical four-chamber view was obtained using conventional 2D echocardiography. The left atrial strain (a) measured by VSSLV; The left atrial strain (b) measured by VISLA;the left atrial strain (c) measured by VISLV. The white dashed line (a) and white lines (b and c) represent the average strain. r, reservoir phase; cd, conduit phase; ct, contraction phase. The respective strains are Sr, calculated as difference between onset of filling and end-diastole (positive value); Scd, calculated as difference between onset of atrial contraction and onset of filling (negative value); Sct, calculated as difference between end-diastole and onset of atrial filling (negative value)