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. 2019 May 15;17:44. doi: 10.1186/s12958-019-0488-5

Table 2.

Analyzed embryo characteristics and clinical outcomes

Blastomere movement type
Total Bouncing Wobbling Twist-and-crumble
No. of cleaved embryos analyzed 966 543 (56.2) 194 (20.1) 229 (23.7)
 Four-cell stage embryos 964 (99.8) 543 (100) 194 (100) 228 (99.6)
 Eight-cell stage embryos 900 (93.2) 516 (95.0)a 181 (93.3)a 202 (88.2)b
 Morula 842 (87.2) 493 (90.8)a 167 (86.1)a,b 180 (78.6)b
 Blastocysts 731 (75.7) 435 (80.1)a 144 (74.2)a,b 152 (66.4)b
 Blastocysts expanded 681 (70.5) 406 (74.8)a 136 (70.1)a,b 139 (60.7)b
 Blastocysts cryopreserved 625 (64.7) 378 (69.6)a 124 (63.9)a 123 (53.7)b
 Morphological grade of blastocysts
   Grade A 291 (46.6) 184 (48.7) 59 (47.6) 48 (39.0)
   Grade B 214 (34.2) 129 (34.1) 37 (29.8) 48 (39.0)
   Grade C 120 (19.2) 65 (17.2) 28 (22.6) 27 (22.0)
   Grade A 267 (42.7) 177 (46.8)a 56 (45.2)a 34 (27.6)b
   Grade B 178 (28.5) 97 (25.7)a 35 (28.2)a,b 46 (37.4)b
   Grade C 180 (28.8) 104 (27.5) 33 (26.6) 43 (35.0)
No. of blastocysts thawed 499 298 102 99
No. of survived blastocysts 496 (99.3) 297 (99.7) 101 (99.0) 98 (99.0)
No. of blastocysts transferred 496 297 101 98
Morphological grade of blastocysts transferred
   Grade A 250 (50.3) 157 (52.7) 52 (51.5) 41 (41.8)
   Grade B 158 (31.9) 90 (30.4) 33 (32.7) 35 (35.7)
   Grade C 88 (17.8) 50 (16.9) 16 (15.8) 22 (22.5)
   Grade A 235 (47.3) 155 (52.0)a 50 (49.5)a 30 (30.6)b
   Grade B 128 (25.9) 65 (22.0)a 27 (26.7)a,b 36 (36.7)b
   Grade C 133 (26.9) 77 (26.0) 24 (23.8) 32 (32.7)
Clinical pregnancies 234 (47.2) 136 (45.8) 47 (46.5) 51 (52.0)
Ongoing pregnancies 201 (40.5) 115 (38.7) 41 (40.6) 45 (45.9)
Follow-up data on live birth (ET date: April–December 2017) 246 149 53 44
 Live birth 88 (35.8) 52 (34.9) 18 (34.0) 18 (40.9)
dBMov 3.84 ± 0.07 [0.16–25.54] 2.82 ± 0.05a [0.16–8.49] 5.20 ± 0.13b [0.734–14.57] 5.36 ± 0.17b [0.63–25.54]
dBMov/(t3-t2) 0.366 ± 0.007 [0.014–1.000] 0.253 ± 0.004a [0.014–0.727] 0.497 ± 0.015b [0.071–1.000] 0.523 ± 0.016b [0.061–1.000]

Categorical data are presented as n (%), continuous data are presented as mean ± standard error of the mean [range]. Different superscript letters (a, b) indicate a significant difference at P <  0.05. Abbreviations: dBMov, blastomere movement duration; dBMov/(t3-t2), ratio of the duration of blastomere movement at the 2-cell stage; ICM, inner cell mas; ET, embryo transfer; TE, trophectoderm