Figure 6. NFATc3 Does Not Translocate from Distal Dendrites to the Nucleus after a Brief Uncaging Stimulus.
(A) Representative neuron transfected with mEos3.2-NFATc3 with preconversion green and red species and red species after conversion within distal dendrites indicated with dotted lines on the left.
(B) Images of soma showing mEos3.2-NFATc3 distribution before (pre) and after photo-conversion in control conditions (−MNI-glu). Top: green species; bottom: red species. Images are from the same neuron in (A).
(C) mEos3.2-NFATc3 nuc/cyto normalized to pre-uncaging values following branch photoconversion in 6–7 ROIs without MNI-glu in the bath. Purple arrows indicate photoconversion within a dendritic ROI (n = 6).
(D–F) As in (A)–(C) but from experiments with MNI-glu in the bath (+MNI-glu; n = 7; one-way ANOVA repeated-measures with Dunnett, ***p < 0.001).
(G–I) As in (A)–(C) but following photoconversion within a single ROI drawn on the soma (−MNI-glu; n = 5; one-way ANOVA repeated-measures with Dunnett, ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05).
(J–L) As in (G)–(I) but following photoconversion within a single ROI drawn on the soma with MNI-glu in the path (+MNI-glu; n = 5; one-way ANOVA repeated-measures with Dunnett, ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01). Scale bars = 20 μm.
See also Figure S6.