A) Measurements of the goodness of fit for Spot-On as a function of the number of trajectories sampled, using Monte Carlo simulation. Data taken from simulations performed in
Hansen (2018). (
B) The number of trajectories in the data set for uninfected and infected cells as a function of the number of cells randomly sampled from the data set. Plot shows the mean flanked by the standard deviation. Dashed line demarcates 1000 trajectories. (
C) Comparison of treating data as biological replicates versus using random subsampling. For each condition, the left bar shows the mean and SEM from at least three biological replicates, whereas the right shows the mean and standard deviation of the mean calculated from 100 resampling iterations. Either approach gives values within measurement error of each other. (
D) Mean diffusion coefficient of the Bound population determined through two-state model fitting for uninfected cells, and for cells at different times post infection, both inside and outside of RCs. In all data sets, the calculated diffusion coefficient is well below the upper bound set for the fitting, consistent with diffusion coefficients of chromatin (
Hansen et al., 2018). Error bars are the standard deviation of the mean, calculated from 100 iterations of randomly subsampling 15 cells without replacement and fitting with the model.