A) Representative full fields of view from DNA FISH hybridization. Dashed red boxes indicate the regions displayed in
Figure 4B. (
B) Dot plot showing the individual RC values from
Figure 4C; normalized to the median of cells infected in the presence of PAA. Medians are indicated by a solid line (PAA = 1, 3 hpi = 0.83, 4 hpi = 4.77, 5 hpi = 31.13, 6 hpi = 46.95). (
C) Fragment length distributions of all conditions tested after HSV1 infection, for two individual replicates as well as for the pooled data. The green line indicates the lengths of fragments mapping to the viral genome, the gray line indicates lengths of fragments mapping to the human genome. All data are normalized to the total number of mapped reads to the respective genome, per condition.