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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Jun 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2019 Jun 1;81(2):145–152. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000002000

Table 2.

Frequencies of 13 HIV Index Items (Total N = 3296)

Total (N) Percent (%)
How much do you/does your… Not at all A little A moderate amount A lot A great deal
Trust your HIV care provider 3209 0.53 1.34 3.46 20.22 74.45
HIV provider respects what you say 3213 0.78 1.40 4.33 23.44 70.06
HIV provider really understand you 3204 1.00 2.81 10.02 29.09 57.08
Clinic helps meet health needs 3228 0.87 1.77 6.04 26.15 65.18
How… Not at all Slightly Moderately Very Extremely
Open can you be with HIV provider 3203 0.87 1.28 5.56 25.98 66.31
Well does HIV provider explain things 3216 0.37 1.06 3.33 25.12 70.12
Important to set goals for health 3215 1.37 3.20 12.85 35.30 47.28
Comfortable asking questions during appt 3226 0.99 1.43 4.62 26.53 66.43
Well do you follow through on HIV care when things in your life get tough 3208 2.37 3.96 13.31 32.48 47.88
Important to stay informed about new HIV research 3250 1.60 4.62 12.15 29.75 51.88
How much of a… None Small Medium-sized Big Very big
Role in making decisions about your HIV care do you have 3250 3.17 2.68 6.37 26.46 61.32
How often do you… Never Sometimes Half the time Most of the time Always
Leave your HIV care appointments feeling like you got really good care 3236 2.60 3.31 2.35 23.33 68.42
Refill HIV medications on time 2749* 0.62 1.83 1.69 15.40 80.46

Note: 514 participants responded “not applicable,” due to not being on ART (n=188) or a combination of receiving automatic refills or other reasons.