Fig. 2.
Host phylogeny and diet significantly explain the aspects of microbiome diversity. The plots show the BH-adjusted p values (Adj. p value) and partial regression coefficients (Coef.) for multiple regression on matrix (MRM) tests used to determine how much alpha- or beta-diversity variance was explained by host diet, geographic location, habitat, phylogeny, and technical parameters (see “Methods”). The boxplots show the distribution of values obtained when running MRM on each of the 100 random dataset subsets, with each subsample comprising just one sample per species. The boxplots show the MRM rho coefficient and p value for each subsample. See “Methods” for a description of how each distance matrix for the MRM models was generated. Asterisk denotes significance (Adj. p < 0.05 for ≥95% of dataset subsets; see “Methods”). Box centerlines, edges, whiskers, and points signify the median, interquartile range (IQR), 1.5× IQR, and >1.5× IQR, respectively. Source data are provided as a Source Data file