Fig. 1.
Salt induced ROS expressed via measurement of (a) ASA redox status and (b) lipid peroxidation following the accumulation of malondialdehyde (MDA) in: Razegui control (RazeguiC), Razegui stressed (RazeguiS), Syrah control (SyrahC) and Syrah stressed (SyrahS). Evaluation was carried out in leaf samples of plants exposed to a 24 h salt stress treatment (NaCl at 100 mM) in controlled conditions of hydroponic culture, followed by a 24 h recovery phase. Data represent mean values and standard errors of 3 independent experiments. Letter suffixes express significant differences between the values among the salt stress Syrah at p < 0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple range test. No significant difference has been shown among values in the control and Razegui stressed leaves. Asterisk (*) indicates significant difference between control and stressed leaves after recovery