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. 2019 Mar 30;9(2):281–297. doi: 10.1007/s13555-019-0291-4

Table 3.

Cost input values and sources applied in base case, sensitivity and scenario analyses

Base value Lower bound for DSA Upper bound for DSA Standard error for PSA
Direct medical costs
 Costs per HZ case
  Without any complications 38,471 35,575 41,367 1478
  With PHN 127,079 90,164 163,994 18,834
  With non PHN-related complications 72,789 37,482 108,096 18,014
 Source (11, 25, 34)a (11)a (11)a
Vaccination costs
 RZV vaccine price per dose 12,960 10,800b 16,200b
  Source Assumption c Assumption Assumption
 Administration cost per dose 3424 2568b 4280b
  Source Assumption d − 25%: Assumption + 25%: Assumption
Adverse event costs
 Local/general 0
 Outpatient 3957.5
 ER 8757.5
 Hospitalization 225,750
 Source Assumption e NA NA
Indirect costs
 Costs per HZ case
  Without PHN
   50–59 YOA 17,747
   60–69 YOA 15,128 11,346 18,910 1929
   70–79 YOA 11,892 8919 14,865 1517
   ≥ 80 YOA 15,115 11,336 18,894 1928
  With PHN
   50–59 YOA 57,662
   60–69 YOA 32,733 24,550 40,916 4175
   70–79 YOA 20,297 15,223 25,371 2589
   ≥ 80 YOA 19,046 14,285 23,808 2429
  Source Derived from (11)f − 25%: Assumption + 25%: Assumption

DSA deterministic sensitivity analysis, ER emergency room, HZ herpes zoster, PHN postherpetic neuralgia, PSA probabilistic sensitivity analysis, RZV recombinant zoster vaccine, YOA years of age

aNakamura et al. reported HZ-related costs for patients with HZ without any complications, with PHN, and with non-pain complications in a prospective cohort study [11]. The costs were adjusted by hospitalization rate reported by Sato et al. [25]. In addition, the cost for patients with PHN was converted into the annual cost by adding the PHN treatment cost for 3 months (= 95,809/6 months × 3/6 months × 50%) reported by Honda et al. [34]. Calculated a range from the standard error of the data reported by Nakamura et al. [11]

bThis input was varied in one-way sensitivity analysis but was held at its base value(s) in probabilistic sensitivity analysis

cAssumed the price from the vaccination cost comparable to that used in the cost-effectiveness analysis in the US [21] and Germany [20]. Cost input was the price including 8% consumption tax

dCalculated based on medical fee point scheme in 2016; (2820 for initial visit + 200 for biologics + 150 for injection) × 1.08 = ¥3424

eAssumed based on medical fee point scheme in 2016 according to expert opinion; no healthcare resource utilization for local/general; 2820 for initial visit + 680 for prescription + (15.9 (Sodium Loxoprofen) + 14.6 (Rebamipide)) × 15T = ¥3957.5 for Outpatient; 4800 for visit between 22:00 and 6:00 + AE cost for outpatient = ¥8757.5 for ER. Assumed based on diagnosis procedure combination (DPC) point scheme in 2016; DPC code of 080100 (drug eruption) with admission for median duration, 25,940 × 5 + 19,210 × 5 = ¥225,750 for Hospitalization. The model calculated a weighted adverse event (AE) cost per dose based on the incidence of the four AEs and the costs per event. The weighted cost per dose was varied by + 100% and − 50% in sensitivity analysis, so no ranges were used for the individual costs per AE

fIndirect costs include productivity loss of patients and their caregivers. The productivity loss of patients was calculated based on the number of visits and admission days (Table S3). Assumed to be a range of ± 25% in sensitivity analysis