(A) Representative photos of apoptotic NSCs. NSCs that were infected with or without lentivirus (miR-26a overexpression, miR-26a knockdown and negative control) were incubated with 400μmol/l CoCl2 for 24 h, then the cells were stained with TUNEL to detect apoptosis. TUNEL positive NSCs (red); DAPI (blue). (B) Statistical analysis of TUNEL positive NSCs. (C) NSCs that were infected with or without lentivirus (miR-26a overexpression, miR-26a knockdown and negative control) were incubated with 400 μmol/l CoCl2 for 24 h, then apoptosis of NSCs was analyzed by flow cytometry. (D) Statistical analysis of apoptotic NSCs. (E) The lentivirus infected NSCs (miR-26a overexpression, miR-26a knockdown and negative control) were incubated with 400 μmol/l CoCl2 for 24 h, then the cell viability was detected with CCK-8 Kit. *P<0.05, comparing with control group. #P<0.05, comparing with CoCl2 treated group; n=5.