CRB1 and CRB2 are Located at the Outer Limiting Membrane in Müller Glial Cells and Photoreceptors of First and Second Trimester Human Fetal Retina
Immuno-EM staining showing the localization of CRB1 (A–D) and CRB2 (E–H) in first (A, B, E, and F) and second (C, D, G, and H) trimester human fetal retina. CRB1 was sporadically detected in the first trimester but being found subapically of adherens junctions adjacent to photoreceptor inner segments (A) (arrow) and in Müller glial cell apical villi (B) (arrowheads). In the second trimester, CRB1 was found consistently throughout the outer limiting membrane of human fetal retina subapically of adherens junctions of photoreceptors and Müller glial cells (C and D). CRB2 was localized in both first and second trimester retina subapically of adherens junctions being located in photoreceptor inner segments and apical villi of Müller glial cells. At least two independent samples were analyzed per time point. CC, connecting cilium; AJ, adherens junction; μ, microvilli; IS, inner segment. Scale bar (A–H), 1 μm; insert (D), 500 nm.