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. 2019 May 9;78(1):1612703. doi: 10.1080/22423982.2019.1612703

Table 3.

Examples of content analysis from transcription to sub-topics to main themes

Meaning units Condensed meaning units Interpretation of the underlying meaning Sub-topics Main themes
I hope I get healthcare providers who speak the Sami language, when I’m old. Sami staff also understand Sami culture (Int 3). Wish to speak her mother tongue her whole life and to meet staff who know her culture in her old age. Recruitment of Sami staff is important in healthcare. Safeguarding the culture of a person in old age with Sami healthcare providers. Contributions to the feeling of being culturally safe
Just before dad died, I had a little contact with him. Before he died, I sang his yoik very quietly in the ICU. His body and face seemed to completely relax while I was singing his yoik. After a few minutes, he left me and us (Int 6). The father was on his deathbed in the ICU and the son decided to sing his personal yoik for his last moments. The father seemed to relax then, just before he left them. To sing someone’s yoik is the best and most affectionate thing you can do for a Sami. Traditional Sami way of honouring someone.  
As a Sami patient, I feel that I’m treated as if I don’t understand anything at all and I don’t feel I’m very welcome there (Int 4). As a Sami patient, she does not feel respected or welcome. Feels she is considered as inferior and unwanted. Feels discriminated against as a Sami. Contributions to the feeling of being culturally unsafe
I have accompanied Sami patients who don’t know a word of Norwegian, so that all communication between the doctor and patient went via me. I don’t think that kind of situation is right for the patient because I’m the one doing the talking. (….) I find that the patient never gets to say what he really thinks and the patient’s feelings don’t come out (Int 7). The person who accompanies a Sami patient is also used as an interpreter, but does not feel this situation is right. The patient’s personal perspective and feelings are not expressed. Interpreting for others represents a barrier to conveying their innermost feelings. Interpreting is not best practice.