Lowering EGFR Signaling Levels Can Rescue the dlg, scrib, and lgl Knockdown Phenotypes in Cyst Cells
(A–L) Adult testes of the indicated genotypes in the Gal80ts background: Vasa (red; germline), TJ (blue; early cyst cell nuclei), and either actin stained with phalloidin (green; cyst cells and germline fusome) or mCD8-GFP (green; cyst cells). White arrowheads indicate overproliferating early spermatogonia.
(M) Quantifications of the different phenotypic classes accompanying each genotype, organized in order of phenotypic strength.
RNAi activated at 30°C for 4 or 5 days (d). Testes oriented with anterior at left. Image frames, 246 μm. See also Figures S4 and S5.